1. we cannot nap the multis, but we can stop as much in fighting as we can. Whereas if we have no naps, now u just have people hitting everyone in every alliance, at least this redirects MOST of the hits to the multis. and people can leave themselves more open, since only fenris and the multis can hit us now.
2. The reason why FENRIS does not have a nap is because they do not have an AL. They also should have recreated, 24 hours after, and should have stopped hitting war abuse, because WAR CANNOT BE CANCELED. the ONLY ALLIANCE WITH WAR BONUS is fenris on twilight. and if you cannot leave your alliance to remake, it means you are a) hitting in twilight b) not hitting multis yourselves.
ALL THE ALLIANCES ARE WAITING FOR YOU GUYS TO GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER. We are literally waiting for you guys to fix it.
3. there is no bug, there has never been a bug with passing AL over. You guys simply do not have a VAL.
So, we have talk over AIM, and you know the score. I will not REPEAT myself again here.
If you think we do not have have a VAL, that's fine as well. There is no point telling where he is for the multi to find out.
1. Here is the score: Fenris has NOT hit any of big Networth guys (Lumberjack, Twilight, BaconCookies). As far as I know---. You ALL have NAP, except Fenris.
2. None of you so far, has been killed, or massively attacked by multi. We have been, most of my Sector Leaders are hit, NONE of them CRIED!!! NONE! Fenris Alliance Leader kingdom LokiX 1:18 was killed right off newbie mode. Anyone else is killed? Tell me? See this list for Kill Target if you care just one more little bit: https://www.starkingdoms.com/community/discussion/3681/kill-target-multi-accounts-ip-506-91-41-96#Item_8
3a. Lumberjack, Twilight, Bacon Cookies - --killed Casper 2:9 ---- 3 alliances, look at your combine Networth and Firepower. (Mary i agree - 1 target at a time)
3b. Fenris ALLIANCE organized and killed Lazy T 2:20. This afternoon, we did the kill shot on Tyzal. October 30, 14:18:09 Our brave kingdom SHADOWSPACE (x:x) attacked TyzaL (2:1) and conquered 3 planets.
4. Fenris has posted all the proof of multi since the AL kingdom October 29th, 2014 (https://www.starkingdoms.com/community/discussion/3671/multi-accounts#Item_16) and have started KT all the list one by one. It has been posted as Kill Target, and we are CONSISTENT with it. KT has been updated as off October 30 as well, and we will continue to do that same.
5. The simple solution is for Bcart to delete all kingdoms with IP 506.91.41.96. I send message to Bcart 2 times already. Otherwise, provide a solution, all Alliance Leaders in the universe are talking on AIM - FYI. And I am there in that chat 24/7.
6. I have no explanation why multi killed Fenris AL. Nor I would dare to make a second guess. You all have your fairy tales...go ahead!
7. My name is LadyAshnod - I am Fenris AL for Game 66, my kingdom was killed right out of newbie mode. FENRIS fought back with whatever we have, with every possible weak probes and War Leaders, Fenris players have shown COURAGE, LOYALTY, WITH VALOUR AND HONOUR!
TO ALL players in Fenris, and the rest of the players who have approach me to help kill multi, (BORG AL- thank you) I am very proud of all you have achieve in such a short period of time! Now, Carry ON! Next kill target!
can u get off ur fucking high horse and share the multi info on the pfs like the fucking multis that hit 1:1. Nothings gonna change if u keep whining about it
can u get off ur fucking high horse and share the multi info on the pfs like the fucking multis that hit 1:1. Nothings gonna change if u keep whining about it
UPDATED LIST -OCTOBER 30, 2014 thursday (ip : 506.91.41.96)
Contacts: AIM: Lady.ashnod email: ladyashnod2014@gmail.com ODB 3:22PM QuoteFlag Posts: 10 These are the ones that hit me yesterday:
stacey (2:19) DainDain (2:17) The man of Scat (2:1) Kaseylol (2:6) MasiofBrad (2:7) CatMaster (2:9) FiveSidedDie (2:1) TyzaL (2:1) TrainofPain (2:15) Edward Van Butts (2:9) Solmyr (2:7) Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16) Obscenitore (2:5) Steven Seagull (2:1) Birdy Bird (2:13) Darker Peter (2:11) Draskyl (2:12) SurlyBever (2:15) Jacob Smith (2:11) LadyAshnodLadyAshnod 3:32PM QuoteEditFlag Posts: 742 ODB said: These are the ones that hit me yesterday:
stacey (2:19) - #3 DainDain (2:17) = #5 The man of Scat (2:1) = #15 Kaseylol (2:6)=#11 MasiofBrad (2:7) = #10 CatMaster (2:9) ===dead FiveSidedDie (2:1) TyzaL (2:1) TrainofPain (2:15) ==24 Edward Van Butts (2:9) Solmyr (2:7) Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16) ===23 Obscenitore (2:5) Steven Seagull (2:1) Birdy Bird (2:13) Darker Peter (2:11) Draskyl (2:12) SurlyBever (2:15) Jacob Smith (2:11) #29
ODB -kindly match who is listed already, so we can account which kingdoms we can add to the original list.
Thanks. SpedSKSpedSK 3:33PM QuoteFlag Posts: 774 ODB said: These are the ones that hit me yesterday:
stacey (2:19) DainDain (2:17) The man of Scat (2:1) Kaseylol (2:6) MasiofBrad (2:7) CatMaster (2:9) FiveSidedDie (2:1) TyzaL (2:1) TrainofPain (2:15) Edward Van Butts (2:9) Solmyr (2:7) Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16) Obscenitore (2:5) Steven Seagull (2:1) Birdy Bird (2:13) Darker Peter (2:11) Draskyl (2:12) SurlyBever (2:15) Jacob Smith (2:11)
Farmer SkyDragonXSkyDragonX 3:36PM QuoteFlag Posts: 3,006 The multi's are still alive? Pfft. EpiC 3:41PM QuoteFlag Posts: 3
October 28, 22:51:28 Our kingdom Princess Peach (1:11) bravely defended against Swagin (1:14) and lost 28 planets. October 28, 22:51:38 Our kingdom Princess Peach (1:11) bravely defended against Swagin (1:14) and lost 24 planets.
IPvSK2: 865-6D-F6-A5 SpedSKSpedSK 3:52PM QuoteFlag Posts: 774 Faaaaaaaaaaail PsychonautPsychonaut 6:28PM QuoteFlag Posts: 34 I hope there is some system to handle active multis... Write Comment Preview Save Draft
can u get off ur fucking high horse and share the multi info on the pfs like the fucking multis that hit 1:1. Nothings gonna change if u keep whining about it
1. we cannot nap the multis, but we can stop as much in fighting as we can. Whereas if we have no naps, now u just have people hitting everyone in every alliance, at least this redirects MOST of the hits to the multis. and people can leave themselves more open, since only fenris and the multis can hit us now.
2. The reason why FENRIS does not have a nap is because they do not have an AL. They also should have recreated, 24 hours after, and should have stopped hitting war abuse, because WAR CANNOT BE CANCELED. the ONLY ALLIANCE WITH WAR BONUS is fenris on twilight. and if you cannot leave your alliance to remake, it means you are a) hitting in twilight b) not hitting multis yourselves.
ALL THE ALLIANCES ARE WAITING FOR YOU GUYS TO GET YOUR STUFF TOGETHER. We are literally waiting for you guys to fix it.
3. there is no bug, there has never been a bug with passing AL over. You guys simply do not have a VAL.
This plus I have a standing nap invite to fenris, so talk to your leadership
Also, on an unrelated note: Robtomo = Roberto Tomatoes?
Instead of crying, why not try solving the problem?
If you think we do not have have a VAL, that's fine as well. There is no point telling where he is for the multi to find out.
1. Here is the score: Fenris has NOT hit any of big Networth guys (Lumberjack, Twilight, BaconCookies). As far as I know---. You ALL have NAP, except Fenris.
2. None of you so far, has been killed, or massively attacked by multi. We have been, most of my Sector Leaders are hit, NONE of them CRIED!!! NONE! Fenris Alliance Leader kingdom LokiX 1:18 was killed right off newbie mode. Anyone else is killed? Tell me?
See this list for Kill Target if you care just one more little bit:
3a. Lumberjack, Twilight, Bacon Cookies - --killed Casper 2:9 ---- 3 alliances, look at your combine Networth and Firepower. (Mary i agree - 1 target at a time)
3b. Fenris ALLIANCE organized and killed Lazy T 2:20.
This afternoon, we did the kill shot on Tyzal.
October 30, 14:18:09 Our brave kingdom SHADOWSPACE (x:x) attacked TyzaL (2:1) and conquered 3 planets.
4. Fenris has posted all the proof of multi since the AL kingdom October 29th, 2014 (https://www.starkingdoms.com/community/discussion/3671/multi-accounts#Item_16) and have started KT all the list one by one. It has been posted as Kill Target, and we are CONSISTENT with it. KT has been updated as off October 30 as well, and we will continue to do that same.
5. The simple solution is for Bcart to delete all kingdoms with IP 506.91.41.96. I send message to Bcart 2 times already.
Otherwise, provide a solution, all Alliance Leaders in the universe are talking on AIM - FYI. And I am there in that chat 24/7.
6. I have no explanation why multi killed Fenris AL. Nor I would dare to make a second guess. You all have your fairy tales...go ahead!
7. My name is LadyAshnod - I am Fenris AL for Game 66, my kingdom was killed right out of newbie mode. FENRIS fought back with whatever we have, with every possible weak probes and War Leaders, Fenris players have shown COURAGE, LOYALTY, WITH VALOUR AND HONOUR!
TO ALL players in Fenris, and the rest of the players who have approach me to help kill multi, (BORG AL- thank you) I am very proud of all you have achieve in such a short period of time!
Now, Carry ON! Next kill target!
Ashnod - Queen of Fenris~
#1.2:20 lazyT (X:10,Y:7) Desert Wasteland 423 50,268 1,260 (DEAD DEAD) THANK YOU
WOLVES killed 10/29/2014
#2. 2:19
Lieznek (X:10,Y:2) Desert Wasteland 417 48,812 1,228
#3 stacey (X:9,Y:2) Desert Wasteland 406 48,232 1,224
#4 2:17 Creepy Spider (X:6,Y:2) Desert Wasteland 417 36,771 1,233
DainDain (X:8,Y:4) Desert Wasteland 367 35,899 1,196
#6 2:16 NotNorAld (X:9,Y:6) Desert Wasteland 417 48,479 1,233
#7 2:14
Floot (X:1,Y:4) Desert Wasteland 414 48,985 1,228
LandofGates (X:3,Y:8) Desert Wasteland 413 49,474 1,224
Mister Pikachu (X:10,Y:7) Desert Wasteland 400 46,802 1,227
Fenris List of Multi – with IP Address and Kd# Page # 2/ 13
contacts: lady.ashnod
email: ladyashnod2014@gmail.com
MasiofBrad (X:1,Y:10) Desert Wasteland 299 26,707 1,147
Kaseylol (X:8,Y:8) Desert Wasteland 417 49,100 1,200
Krone2 (X:5,Y:1) Desert Wasteland 394 36,654 1,226
#13 2:2 SalivaMan (X:1,Y:1) Desert Wasteland 407 41,408 1,226
Lukerules (X:6,Y:3) Desert Wasteland 407 49,585 1,224
The man of Scat (X:2,Y:9) Desert Wasteland 417 49,574 1,200
#16. Panda Power 2:19
17. Advent DK 2:6
18. 18. Del taco 2:6
19. GoddnamitMichael 2:8
20. #20. Tony da Tiger 2:8
#21. Frank Sinatra 2:13
22. #22.Obscenitore (2:5)
23. #23. Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16
24. #24. TrainofPain (2:15)
25. #25. FiveSidedDie (2:1
26. #26. CatMaster (2:9 (KILLED BY LUM, twi AND BACON COOKIES) 10/29/2014
27. #27. Creepy Spider (2:17)
28. land of gates 2:10
29. jacob smith 2;11
30. Dark peter 2:11
. ***end of file***
LadyAshnodLadyAshnod 3:12PM QuoteEditFlag
Posts: 742
I know we are on the same page with me...so kindly update me, which one of these KD is posted in your alliance. I followed this order to be consistent, since yesterday.
AIM: Lady.ashnod
email: ladyashnod2014@gmail.com
ODB 3:22PM QuoteFlag
Posts: 10
These are the ones that hit me yesterday:
stacey (2:19)
DainDain (2:17)
The man of Scat (2:1)
Kaseylol (2:6)
MasiofBrad (2:7)
CatMaster (2:9)
FiveSidedDie (2:1)
TyzaL (2:1)
TrainofPain (2:15)
Edward Van Butts (2:9)
Solmyr (2:7)
Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16)
Obscenitore (2:5)
Steven Seagull (2:1)
Birdy Bird (2:13)
Darker Peter (2:11)
Draskyl (2:12)
SurlyBever (2:15)
Jacob Smith (2:11)
LadyAshnodLadyAshnod 3:32PM QuoteEditFlag
Posts: 742
ODB said:
These are the ones that hit me yesterday:
stacey (2:19) - #3
DainDain (2:17) = #5
The man of Scat (2:1) = #15
Kaseylol (2:6)=#11
MasiofBrad (2:7) = #10
CatMaster (2:9) ===dead
FiveSidedDie (2:1)
TyzaL (2:1)
TrainofPain (2:15) ==24
Edward Van Butts (2:9)
Solmyr (2:7)
Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16) ===23
Obscenitore (2:5)
Steven Seagull (2:1)
Birdy Bird (2:13)
Darker Peter (2:11)
Draskyl (2:12)
SurlyBever (2:15)
Jacob Smith (2:11) #29
ODB -kindly match who is listed already, so we can account which kingdoms we can add to the original list.
SpedSKSpedSK 3:33PM QuoteFlag
Posts: 774
ODB said:
These are the ones that hit me yesterday:
stacey (2:19)
DainDain (2:17)
The man of Scat (2:1)
Kaseylol (2:6)
MasiofBrad (2:7)
CatMaster (2:9)
FiveSidedDie (2:1)
TyzaL (2:1)
TrainofPain (2:15)
Edward Van Butts (2:9)
Solmyr (2:7)
Lynog hasGonorrhea (2:16)
Obscenitore (2:5)
Steven Seagull (2:1)
Birdy Bird (2:13)
Darker Peter (2:11)
Draskyl (2:12)
SurlyBever (2:15)
Jacob Smith (2:11)
SkyDragonXSkyDragonX 3:36PM QuoteFlag
Posts: 3,006
The multi's are still alive? Pfft.
EpiC 3:41PM QuoteFlag
Posts: 3
October 28, 22:51:28 Our kingdom Princess Peach (1:11) bravely defended against Swagin (1:14) and lost 28 planets.
October 28, 22:51:38 Our kingdom Princess Peach (1:11) bravely defended against Swagin (1:14) and lost 24 planets.
Swagin 1.4
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SpedSKSpedSK 3:52PM QuoteFlag
Posts: 774
PsychonautPsychonaut 6:28PM QuoteFlag
Posts: 34
I hope there is some system to handle active multis...
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Just sayin
it was in a clean thread, without whining. and no one paid attention. so here it is...AGAIN
On that note, I am off to finish my Casper for Halloween.
we've done plenty. You guys might of had a val but didn't have him set as val... Either way smh
you agreed to the nap and said you would get everyone to leave fen for s reform gj
She'll be gone within 2 rounds, crying about how SK isn't what it used to be and blah blah blah