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WW II Babylon 5: The Coming of the Shadows. Game over, Shadows win!



  • rohan and bakery, you two still have to vote
  • the pressure much wow
  • It was the year 2261. 1 Year after the events of "Babylon 5". A multi-planetary task force had been sent to investigate the station. But found that everyone inside has mysteriously vanished. To this day it's not known what happened. Before the task force decided the best course of action would be to destroy the station, all that was left inside....was shadows.

    Game is Over. The Shadows win 5-4

    Rohan the lurker is mod killed and Bakery aka Sherridan is mod killed.

    I feel for Rohan because Darubian said town found him innocent and voting was done, when I hadn't declared it to be so. Unless mod says its done its not done.

    But Bakery called this thing and then didn't vote in it.

    There is a slim but theoretical possible scenario, in which the doctor would protect the correct person tonight, and vigi would shoot a shadow, leaving it at 4-4. Then all the remaining townies would have to put all 4 votes on a shadow before the shadow team did to make it 3-4. However the shadows are by far more active and it would require extreme luck on the part of Stephen the doctor to make it work. So I'm just going to call it now.

    This is the paste bin of my master document:

    its not quite as prettily formatted, but any information you want is in there. Quickly though, I'll post the roles:

    G'Kar: Tyrsis
    Gerribaldi: TMonsta
    Ivanova: pie
    Lady Adira : Mages
    Londo : unreliable
    Lurker: mysticassassin
    Lurker: Loafery → The Joker
    Lurker: phantom
    Lurker: Damdred
    Lurker: rohan
    Lurker: SkyDragagonX
    Mordon : meadows
    Shadow: Darubian
    Shadow: Kloudi
    Shadow: azalieo
    Shadow: Cory
    Sheridan: Bakery
    Stephen: The Joker → Loafery

    Today there was a real shot at town coming back into it, if all 5 townies voted, making it 6-3 and having a vigi. But alas, it was ruined, and it makes me a bit sad :(

  • I feel like you called it a bit to early, mod killing rohan when he did vote yesterday is a bit extreme. And normally once someone uses a power to do something their decision to vote one way should be apparent.

    I disagree with this decision but good game to the bad team.
  • I feel like you called it a bit to early, mod killing rohan when he did vote yesterday is a bit extreme. And normally once someone uses a power to do something their decision to vote one way should be apparent.

    I disagree with this decision but good game to the bad team.
    After I PMed rohan and told him he needed to vote, he came into the thread and didn't vote. I can't wait forever, I had kept extending the day over and over. I understand he might've been mislead a bit, but if you get a PM from the mod telling you to vote, and then don't, there's no excuse
  • rohan being a rohan
  • Yea didn't know that comment taken back indeed
  • Bakery though, how can you call the sherridan vote then not vote in it.......
  • edited June 2014
    Its no biggie mates, It happens, a lot of RL stuff going on **shrugs**

    Tbh, I had no idea the game had started until yesterday LOL
  • bakery, i fking had your back since day one lol...

    just for the sake of knowing...loaf, would you have protected me tonight?

    to be honest, i dont think bakerys vote should be automatic because he could be using it just to save current lynch, and not necessarily to kill his new target...(not to mention it would reveal him)
  • well, i had moody at some point, but fun indeed
  • We weren't going to kill unreliable. Or loaf. Or darmred tonight. Would have been a high probability of blocked by the doc.

    Gg to all.
  • I was trying to be strategic. Learning experience for my second time playing.
  • Bakery if I host again you are banned. I know you PMed me about your vacation, but calling for a vote then not voting in it, despite my numerous warning about being banned is just unacceptable. Big douchebag move
  • I think that, being a new player, this was a hard game to play. It's only my fourth ww game and if I had not been evil I would have felt lost the whole time. I think maybe we shouldn't be as harsh on new players.
  • Bakery if I host again you are banned. I know you PMed me about your vacation, but calling for a vote then not voting in it, despite my numerous warning about being banned is just unacceptable. Big douchebag move
    You really need to take a step back for a moment realize the repercussions of your own actions.

    1. You chose to offer continuous extensions in giving other players a chance to vote. Personally, as the person up for lynch that was clearly pushing in the towns favor. It is foolish to blame him because you kept throwing the town a bone.

    2. People do things outside of this game. Unfortunately things come up and this games schedule constantly changed towards the end.

    3. The idea of your ban list is just stupid. There aren't enough of us here to start picking and choosing who can and cannot play. A game mod should stay out of it and let the players settle it.
  • edited June 2014
    Bakery if I host again you are banned. I know you PMed me about your vacation, but calling for a vote then not voting in it, despite my numerous warning about being banned is just unacceptable. Big douchebag move
    You really need to take a step back for a moment realize the repercussions of your own actions.

    1. You chose to offer continuous extensions in giving other players a chance to vote. Personally, as the person up for lynch that was clearly pushing in the towns favor. It is foolish to blame him because you kept throwing the town a bone.
    It held off ending the day because I didn't want the game to end on mod kills. I think it was a perfectly legitimate reason to delay. It's a hollow victory to win because town went inactive? I blame him because we had several PM conversation about his lack of activity: it wasn't as if this was the first time I had said something. You need to take a step back and realize just because you were the one up for lynch doesn't make you an expert on what was going on behind the scenes.

    2. People do things outside of this game. Unfortunately things come up and this games schedule constantly changed towards the end.
    This came up, I told him if something is coming up I should at least be informed. I was not informed of anything, and he was the one who triggered the vote change. He should've known what was to be expected.

    3. The idea of your ban list is just stupid. There aren't enough of us here to start picking and choosing who can and cannot play. A game mod should stay out of it and let the players settle it.
    This is simply not fair to a good town. The game is balanced around having a certain number of roles. If people sign up, then go inactive without warning, this ruins the experience for everybody. Players shouldn't be given a pass when they fuck up. Otherwise games end in mod kills. yay fun game!

    I know you probably had a lot of fun because mafia dominated, and you are probably upset because you almost died, and my actions almost gave town time to rally from it's inactivity. I can't honestly believe that you think I'm in the wrong for trying to delay a victory from mod kills though. Seriously, how lame

  • 1. I didn't care that I was being lynched. Even if the town succeeded my team had a strong chance. You saw the PM's showing my concern. I initially told them to let me die.

    2. Fuck you if you think I our any other person here is obligated in any way to keep you abreast of their personal life. He couldn't make it. So what. Yes it sucks but he wasn't the only inactive player this game.

    3. Your ban list is still stupid.
  • 1. I didn't care that I was being lynched. Even if the town succeeded my team had a strong chance. You saw the PM's showing my concern. I initially told them to let me die.

    2. Fuck you if you think I our any other person here is obligated in any way to keep you abreast of their personal life. He couldn't make it. So what. Yes it sucks but he wasn't the only inactive player this game.

    3. Your ban list is still stupid.
    I don't need to know what you're doing, but if you're playing a time sensitive game, would it hurt to say "hey I can't play anymore," or "hey I won't be available tomorrow." ? Especially if we discussed it days before. I don't think it's asking too much. If you know you have something coming up, don't sign up.

    You're probably right though, fuck me for trying to make a game run smoothly. God forbid anybody else should have to make the slightest possible effort to help me do this.
  • Make love, not war!
  • Shoulda beam me up
  • i'll call the proper thread to adress this issue
  • edited June 2014
    Are you kidding me? I'm not reading the shit between my last post and this but who the fuck do you think you are? I'm a noob and I'm learning this. Sorry that I didn't know how long a WW game lasted. If I knew general rules well enough I would not have played and that's all you needed to say. Bashing me and telling me I'm banned from playing your games? Grow the fuck up dude. I don't want to play with a dick anyways so fuck you SilentButterfly.
  • SilentButterfly June 16
    Hello Bakery, you are Captain Sherridan!

    Lead the good team to victory!

    Here's a picture of you on the command deck!

    good luck!
    Bakery June 16
    BEAST ;)
    SilentButterfly June 19
    wanted to make sure you knew you had a role, because the game is getting out of control and you haven't used yours once ;P
    Bakery June 19
    I'm trying to be strategic because. Don't want to be wrong. I'll use t tomorrow ;)
    SilentButterfly June 19
    you did not vote today, and are being given a warning. skip voting again and you will be mod killed
    Bakery June 19
    OMG and I was on. Can I preplan a vote and call mages to the stand after the 4th lynch vote has been placed?
    SilentButterfly June 20
    I'd prefer no. As a mod I want you to tell me when to take action, not have it preplanned for me to decide when to execute it. Wait until daytime and tell me during daytime what exactly it is you want to do.
    Bakery June 20
    Ok. Been on vacation for past 2 days so I'll be sure to check once day hits. Will be best to see how the other players are chatting anyways. Figure there's a lot of baddies left lol.
    SilentButterfly June 20
    I will be super unhappy if you do not post today, especially with a role. I understand you might be on vacation, but if you couldn't play because of it, don't sign up, or at the very least notify me.
    Bakery June 20
    Pft you underestimate! I wanna use my power on darubian
    SilentButterfly June 21
    are you going to vote on your own thing?
  • That's chat log. Sorry if I ruined the game for some of you. My family means the world to me and I didn't expect I would have this much fun seeing them again. I won't be playing WW again.
  • Glad you made the PM's public. I wouldn't do that out of respect for you and the fact that they are private messages. But this only confirms my entire point:

    SilentButterfly June 20
    I will be super unhappy if you do not post today, especially with a role. I understand you might be on vacation, but if you couldn't play because of it, don't sign up, or at the very least notify me.

    Bakery June 20
    Pft you underestimate! I wanna use my power on darubian

    SilentButterfly June 21
    are you going to vote on your own thing?

  • And I'm glad you're having fun with your family. I don't expect you to give up your time with them. Just let me know you can't play anymore so I can make arrangements and make the game fun for everyone.
  • I call em as I see em.
  • You ruined the game for everybody, when all you had to do was let me know you couldn't play anymore. And that makes me the asshole?

    in your words Bakery, "grow up"
  • I thought I could be active man. Usually trips like this bore me. This time was different and it sucks to look at this shit when I have some free time and see I've been turned into an asshole.
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