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Should the husband who cheated be allowed to divorce?



  • Oh there are legitimate reasons for people to get divorced. But many people who get divorced shouldn't have gotten married in the first place. alone for the rest of ther lives?
    Thats interesting and opens a new subtopic...

    The idea of marrying just not to be alone, instead of doing it over affection for the other.

    Some decisions are better not taken when needy....(like calling some ex, moving back to the parents house, getting married)
  • edited June 2015
    i don't thnk everyone marries expecting a divorce.

    Life happens. Shit happens. Divorce happens.

    However, I think people should learn coping skills, problem solving skills, negotiating skills before marriage and children. There are many problems that arise in marriages that can be negotiated, granting there is that opportunity.

    As a generation, there are higher divorce rates now, compared to my parents generation. Our generation has lost some of the conversation skills that is needed for a home of strong minded, well educated couple. [[Heck, even in SK, we all lost that, and we all go haywire over little stuff]]

    My dad would have a chuckle when I told him why so and so divorce.

    "Petty matters" he said.

    and my smart ass come back is " it was the small holes left un-attended that sunk the boat". Petty matters are small ticking bombs and when it accumulates, you will have one massive explosion.

    Commitment is there, everyone is hopeful that it will be "ever after".

    But how resilient is the couple to tackle life challenges together?

    How easy is it to give up?

    How convinient is using alcohol or drugs for quick fix of disappointment? Sadness?

    Un-met expectations? Even loneliness inside marriage?

    In the generation of " i want it now, and I get it now" , how is the sanctity of marriage gonna survive?

    How can you two work as a team in a frustrating task and still love each other (remembering the sweet smiles, flowers and tear jerking vows)?

  • If you've been divorced twice...learn that you can't stay married and stop the sham.
  • edited July 2015
    once will nail you to the coffin, I salute those can make it to 2nd.
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