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Scottish Independence



  • To put in practical terms

    Lets say a mayor is pissed off about all the druggies roaming the city at night, harassing people, but not really commiting crimes.

    He wants to force them into rehab, so he builds a public rehab facility and orders police to restrain and transport the druggies to those facilities.

    Any particular society will agree with less drug addicts running rampant, but is this the method to be used?
  • edited September 2014
    so, where science comes into play?

    by using researches about rehab effectiveness, considering criterias like Willingness, location, type of drugs, rehab methodology...

    i might have gone a little extreme in that other message, though
  • Yes, butttttttttttttttt...

    What type of treatment is most effective?

    Is treatment really the best solution to drug enforcement?

    Who performs the studies needed to determine the answers to just the two questions above?

    How much money is spent on said research and then said "chosen treatment"?

    And the most important question of all!

    Where does this money come from?

    Fact is unreliable, many already live in such a society. Science does factor into our daily lives in many different ways, this is why governments are in place. To determine the best course of action.
  • I don't want a less-involved government, I want a more involved government that actually has brains and can see past the next ten years.

    On a completely related note, let Quebec separate. My province spoon feeds them billions of dollars every year, just so they can bitch about how awful Canada is. Cut them off at the knees, stop "equalization payments" and let the french cunts fend for themselves.

    On a somewhat related note, why do people have such a big problem with working for a living? If you just accept that you have a role to play and do it... life becomes a hell of a lot more enjoyable.
  • If you want to be a part of a big government, good for you, but why should I be forced at gun point to be a part of it just because you want to be?
  • You could always move?
  • Why should I have to move? You are the one being a dick and trying to impose tyranny on me.

    Also, none of the developed western countries will let you just move like that.
  • well, you could organize a coup...

    or just gather people to start assassinations on specific people until you have the government the way you want

    (wait, thats a coup as well?)
  • That doesn't work to well in the western world really, small assasinations yea, but most of that crap is to long game to have any effect in the next few years meh
  • Simply hilariously informative.

  • Canada did it, we ask the Queen nicely. ~as they say~
    Independence is good, but really...we as Canadian still swear our allegiance to the Queen.

    In terms of parliamentary democracy, i think we are able to make decisions that concerns us, rather than wait for the Queens decision.

    I think we Scotland can make their own decisions in terms of politics, economy, education, health care - in a package which benefits the Scotts.
  • well, you could organize a coup...

    or just gather people to start assassinations on specific people until you have the government the way you want

    (wait, thats a coup as well?)
    Is is too early to start a revolution or too late to shoot the bastards? Claire Wolfe

  • governments should just be a symbolic power core...
    all decisions must be made based on science only and thats enough.
    I just read the Biography of Marie Curie recently. And that makes sense.

    During the war, her work as a scientist was very valuable, installing X-ray for wounded soldiers. The scientific work represents power.

    Think of Uranium used to power Nuclear Power Plants, thus EU is not reliant on oil as compared to US and other countries. The OPEC oil embargo hurt many nations, but thus who have their own source manage to navigate the economic turmoil.

  • Have a kid named Will Wallace and see how it works out this time
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