As far as rules go, if you need any specifics just ask. No PMs outside of mod created ones. Wanna reveal or fake reveal? Fine, but obv it's at your own risk. There's no mayor, but there's an elected king of Anchiem. which is basically going to be a mayor. So there is a mayor. Hah.
Other than that, it will be standard good vs evil, but with a few chaotic roles that just want to see the world burn. Because that's just how I am!
keep in mind please that this is my first game and that this ruleset may not be balanced. i welcome constructive criticism.
but nooooooo...i guess its better to abuse the ruleset and let the mod deal with it ¬¬
Abusing the ruleset is the best way to teach somebody what rules need to be implemented. I don't really blame Azalieo, and the game ended up fairly close anyway didn't it?
I'm sorry I didn't roleplay the WW as much as you might have liked, but I did what I did because I thought it was the best way to win. I'm always going to play towards my win condition.
Other than that, it will be standard good vs evil, but with a few chaotic roles that just want to see the world burn. Because that's just how I am!
also, whoever pulls the crap sb did last game will die if i have the power to do it, regardless of good/evil
I'm sorry I didn't roleplay the WW as much as you might have liked, but I did what I did because I thought it was the best way to win. I'm always going to play towards my win condition.
This equates to two highly probable scenarios both of which will likely come true.
A) The story will be epic.