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To RR or not RR



  • I think what meadows meant is you can make unlimited sols & tanks while everyone else is carefully watching their rax cap.
  • RR is fine as long as the AL's that aren't your own are okay with getting lollercoasted later on in the game. Especially if they are VI or Misty.

    If anyone knowingly leaves a R/R around that isn't friendly they are asking for a headache later on.
  • RR is fine as long as the AL's that aren't your own are okay with getting lollercoasted later on in the game. Especially if they are VI or Misty.

    If anyone knowingly leaves a R/R around that isn't friendly they are asking for a headache later on.
    Pretty much. If you see a r/r kingdom, and it ISN'T in your alliance, you probably want to deal with that. It can promise all it wants at the moment, but once it's practically untouchable it's just going to walk all over you for lols.

    At least that's what I'd do. And the longer you wait, the stronger it gets.
  • I'm r/r right now.
  • What you'd do, or what you've done meadows
  • I agree with who the ALs are the ones who decide, last round I know of 2 R/Rs who finished tops only because of the alliance they were in, if they were opposing moogle, they would have been killed.
  • ALs tht decide for everyone? no way
  • I agree with who the ALs are the ones who decide, last round I know of 2 R/Rs who finished tops only because of the alliance they were in, if they were opposing moogle, they would have been killed.
    werent you one of them?
  • Scientist Heimdall 1:13

  • Kill all the RRs!

  • I think it's no probe players hating on high probe players...
  • It's s2. What are probes?
  • I'd try to KT an rr player outside my alliance and call it abuse/cheating. But I'd also protect one that's in my alliance saying it's fine. It's all about taking out the threat.
    And that's why the line is so blurred. There's a good argument either way and the line will get skewed in whatever direction needed to take out a threat. So do what you want, but don't come crying to pfs when you get killed, because it's your own damn fault you gave them an excuse... Unless there's nobody left to kill you ofc
  • Yes I was one of them darius
  • Letting someone use your kingdom as a farm constitutes infraction #36 (kingdom sharing)

    If he does it against target's will, its infraction #19 (repeated agressive probing)

    Regardless of complaints being made or not, there are no other possible scenario in which a RR kingdom doesnt infringe a KTable rule.

    If he somehow finds a way, he'll break #1 rule to get kt. (Kingdom is scary)
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