Not that hard to track, when it matches ip to 70% of the kds, while talking in uni chat about bringing the sl. What you are doing neg, is just as bad as any other multi user. Preventing stacking by cheating. Nope not how its fixed.
Lol hey bean neg did it last rd to sectors in my alliance after we ktd him. They r only inactive till neg gets butt hurt. So yea caps not for truth troll a nub not me.
Obviously again ur quoting what I wrote talking about What Ian wrote.... Those inactives were voting .... Enough said
If that's all he does with them that would considered lucky, i've talked to a few people on the idea of the script problem and what it could amount to and even the most poorly put together scripts used properly could destroy the game.
not my fault if people dont take it seriously until somebody else has SL
moogle mad cause your stack fucked up. where are you located m8?
Ill find you later neg and roll ya and send ya a msg that's it me. Hope I don't ruin ur #1 rd
I think that is one of them
gotta track those ipvsk