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Diablo 3

edited March 2014 in General
Yeah the pre exp patch is out. Right now alot of new things have been added. But it is still not a super game, however with the RoS expansion coming out in about 23 days I will definatly be playing again. Anyone else been bit by the bug again?

The crusader is the class I have been waiting for since diablo 3 was announced. My paladin, my smiter, my hammerdin, my foher! So yeah i been spending pretty much all my free time ingame these past days :P Gone up 50 paragon levels haha.

So anyone interested in playing on the EU side with me? :D

Edit: Should have specified as there are some console players out there. I play on the pc!


  • checked it out

    my account was deleted no reason or anything

    lost my d3 and sc2, this is why digital copies blow
  • You can easilly get it back. Just requires you to send an email to blizz from the mail you had your account on.
  • my sister is giving me her D3 account for my birthday so I'll be checking it out and then deciding if its worth buying the expansion
  • interesting
  • I'm pretty sure accounts never ever expire. Ever.

    d3 is loot simulator 2014. Pretty much everything you do now will be accomplishable way faster once RoS comes out though :(
  • I really enjoyed d3 im thinking of getting ros kinda miss my barb :) im on the eu side so wil msg u if I get it
  • I'm pretty sure accounts never ever expire. Ever.

    d3 is loot simulator 2014. Pretty much everything you do now will be accomplishable way faster once RoS comes out though :(
    Aye, this is true.
  • so is D3 even close to playable if you go F2P? Or do you have to concede to buying loot?
  • The auction house will be removed in about 10 days. Loot drops according to class. So yes you can play without spending money in the auction house. The new legendaries from loot "2.0" cannot be sold on the auction house anyway. So only way to get good stuff is to get it yourself. :) Alot of new stuff.

    Some info
  • I playing but on the America server. Hmu via pm if u wanna beat on some baddies I'll give ya my real id
  • Fuckers, im on Xbox
  • Fuckers, im on Xbox
    is it cross-platform servers?
  • Fuckers, im on Xbox
    is it cross-platform servers?
    This if it is, i may buy the console copy and play. The game sucks compared to what d2 had to offer (in terms of addictive game play lol) but a controller may convince me to give it another shot.
  • Nah I don't believe it's cross platform
  • I have not heard anything about it becoming cross platform.
  • Fuckers, im on Xbox
    is it cross-platform servers?
    This if it is, i may buy the console copy and play. The game sucks compared to what d2 had to offer (in terms of addictive game play lol) but a controller may convince me to give it another shot.
    Whereas I never played D2, so I found this game highly enjoyable.
  • No thanks. I quit early 2013 because it got boring. None of the new stuff entices me enough.

    Not cross platform.
  • edited March 2014
    Fuckers, im on Xbox
    is it cross-platform servers?
    This if it is, i may buy the console copy and play. The game sucks compared to what d2 had to offer (in terms of addictive game play lol) but a controller may convince me to give it another shot.
    Whereas I never played D2, so I found this game highly enjoyable.
    you missed a great, pre-wow it was one of the best rpgs ever :-P

    good ole' mindless hack n slash grinder
  • Aye so many good hours in d2.
  • Yea agreed d2 was a great game
  • After spending too many years playing D2 I was going into D3 with too high of hopes that it would be this epic game but I was pretty disappointed with how much they dumbed the game down for the basic user. I admit it is fun but it gets boring fast and the idea of not being able to build my char like you could with the skill tree in 2, it takes the strategy right out of the game for me. I sold my D3 account after a month but I did buy it on Xbox so when the expansion comes out I might try it again.
  • I played d2 so f'ing much. Only ever had a lvl93 tho. He was an hdin that could clag most people enough that no matter what their gear, they were dead when I wanted them to be :P I played on USeast I think... might have been west? I don't remember. The lvl 93 was SexPanther, if anybody remembers it. This was like... 2006? ish
  • After spending too many years playing D2 I was going into D3 with too high of hopes that it would be this epic game but I was pretty disappointed with how much they dumbed the game down for the basic user. I admit it is fun but it gets boring fast and the idea of not being able to build my char like you could with the skill tree in 2, it takes the strategy right out of the game for me. I sold my D3 account after a month but I did buy it on Xbox so when the expansion comes out I might try it again.
    I'm sorry what?!?!?!
  • There is more customization in d3 than in d2, what you mean however is that you want skillpoints for every level ;)
  • I doubt it
  • I never saw a problem with D3 customizing. There's so many builds for the demon hunter that all play differently... Can only imagine with other classes.
  • I'm saying if I want a hammerdin or a zeal pally I have to build each one up separate, take the time to level and use every skill point wisely. In D3 you just lvl a char and everyone unlocks the same skills and you can change them to do whatever you want meaning all you need is 5 chars, one of each race and your done. On D2 I eventually had 3-4 of each char on multiple accounts of different builds which took years to do. D3 just doesn't have quite what D2 had to offer but it is still fun.
  • d3 the customization is set for casuals

    everything about d3 is set for casuals
  • Fancy that I'm casual. I dont care I love it haha
  • edited March 2014
    casuals as in changing the game in a way where they try to make as much money, by sacrificing what was good and made it enjoyable
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