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Why this has been a shit round of Starkingdoms



  • edited February 2014
    Thread Recap: Cumi is butthurt.

    The list of UAs for next round continues to grow. Put me down for xHIGHx. I lived in Washington for 3 years and am still legally a Washington resident...LET'S GET STONED.

    Also, couldn't resist...
    i never talk shit about smth if i don't know what i am talking about. if i don't have enough information.
    You all forget that if it wasn't for europeans you would all still be dancing around a fire and scream to the sky.
    There you go, Cumi. That's what you said about Americans. That's a VERY strong inference that we're all Native American. Mentions NOTHING about what you tried to say after you were called out about it. Show me where in that statement you supposedly say this:
    if europeans wouldn't have discovered the Americas and brought technology and knowledge you wouldn't have been so advanced as you are today.
    Basically, don't get butthurt over racist jokes when you inadvertently point yourself out as racist and bigoted in the process. Not even gonna mention the shyt about the military because I'm a Vet and would rather not get personal.

    Suck it up and go play with Quasimoto in a dirt ditch.

  • New sheriff in town, his name is Shining.
  • Nah, I fucked up. I forgot the original thread title.

    Main reason this round is fucked up: I DIDN'T AL.
  • New sheriff in town, his name is Shining.
  • While we're on the topic of Gypsies I though I'd share my Gypsy story with you all!

    I work at a hotel and a couple months ago this Gypsy family checked in, probably Romanian. Kept telling us that they were here cause her husband was in the hospital sick blah blah. They paid the first night, with cash, and then on the 2nd day they were all, "oh we have to get payment from him, he has the cash, he's so sick". out of sympathy my Gm let them stay another day. The next day we needed the payment so we kept calling them but no answer. So we go check the room and it's empty. They probably dipped at night and skimped on the bill. Oh and they took the TV with them too.

    TL;DR - Work at hotel, Gypsies skimped on bill and stole the TV.
  • Lucky they didn't throw the mattresses on the back of their tractors or goats.
  • The if europeans didn't discover america line is idiotic.

    if aficans or middle eastern people didn't leave we would all be dumb and stuck in the cradle of life.....or something like that
  • Lol yup

    Gypsies man, they just don't get it.
  • Also the dig about americans not having. a true identity. i am taking it that you mean culturally we do not have a unified group culture.

    This is true if so. but america isn't really built around cultural identity on the large but rather personal identity or small group identity. ie china town quakers etc. i embrace this as it leads to an interesting life and interactions and learning of course
  • American Culture > Gypsy cough*Romanian*cough Culture
    FTFY :)
  • image


    And to answer the question,

    99: Neg played the round & being responsible for 3 4 5 6 11 12 13
  • I'm gonna go with 99.

    Also, Fusor, I'm butthurt, please take down that pic of me in high school. =/ A lot has changed since then.

    I cut my hair.
  • I'm gonna go with 99.

    Also, Fusor, I'm butthurt, please take down that pic of me in high school. =/ A lot has changed since then.

    I cut my hair.
    But you still have the green shirt...
  • Lol poor shining no wonder his dad wears a mask
  • Pie, it doesn't fit anymore. Grew two cup sizes. My back's been killing me lately...

    I have a dad? Who wears a mask?! OMG MY DAD IS SPIDER-MAN
  • edited February 2014
    I think it was around round 11 version 1 that things really started going downhill fast. I'm trying to think if any of the recent rounds stand out as some type of turning point, but yeah no. It's just shitting on shit. It's more shitty I guess but not measurable from last round.
  • Yea I'd say last round with multis was much worse atleast all wars have been fair this round no multi use other than the ones used to take sectors out of GoM
  • Hahahahaha meanwhile in USA is awesome
  • gorgonis kingdom 1:19. the kingdom that the romanians claimed was mine. was actually made in the empty premi group before it expired. must of wanted those nanos.

    and moogle. making a sister alliance in a game already so small? yeah thats not killing the round/game at all.
  • edited February 2014
    gorgonis kingdom 1:19. the kingdom that the romanians claimed was mine. was actually made in the empty premi group before it expired. must of wanted those nanos.

    and moogle. making a sister alliance in a game already so small? yeah thats not killing the round/game at all.
    Don't blame the romanians, we all knew it was yours and it was KTed because it's IP matched the multies you made to take over the sectors.

  • Meanwhile in Ukraine


    (true story bro)
  • I wish I knew how to do images...
  • Moogle will eventually declare a fake war on himself so his buddies can get immunity and eat everyone. It's the same crap I've been saying forever. The only thing that changes is that the circle of deuches rotate and jockey for position on who will be the next pretend awesome person. It's all set up on rotation it's just too retarded for me to play knowing what I have to fight. Which is as always inevitably a giant bot network.
  • I think I'm going to AL [SkyNet] next round :/
  • edited February 2014
    Shining's [Indigo] VS Zeal's [SkyNet] VS Cory's xDWx Alliance next round? Well, shyt. This isn't an obvious ploy for CMSZ to take over next round. It's not like Cory is the one running around flying xDWx and enlisting everyone who possibly can over the last few days...I haven't been talking to anyone...

    This. Wasn't. Planned. At. All.
  • edited February 2014
    I like that cast of characters. There is no way they will succeed. I smell a fresh pile of multi rape brewing.
  • xHIGHx will just... relax
  • multis have never bothered me (to my knowledge) and also half the short handpeople are using i dontt know :( screw you all
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