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Why this has been a shit round of Starkingdoms



  • still looks like a shithole to me
  • still looks like a shithole to me
    I live one hour from Detroit and would rather live there than that dump city. Looks like the buildings are going to collapse.

    Also, meanwhile in Romania: Butthurt!
  • you know that if i google smth bad about USA or any other country i can easily find pictures like that or worse ?

    where does this hatred come from ? jealousy ? you got owned too many times by romanians ? i don't understand you.
  • Romanians dont own anything... literally.
  • still looks like a shithole to me
  • I've never been owned by a romanian on SK and harbor no hatred toward the people or the country, just the tools who need to cheat to win here and tag xROx
  • edited February 2014
    Romanians dont own anything... literally.
  • I've never been owned by a romanian on SK and harbor no hatred toward the people or the country, just the tools who need to cheat to win here and tag xROx
  • edited February 2014
    Romanians dont own anything... literally.
    i never talk shit about smth if i don't know what i am talking about. if i don't have enough information.
    You all forget that if it wasn't for europeans you would all still be dancing around a fire and scream to the sky. and at least we don't go to war and kill millions of people when we need some resources. ( i am talking about people in usa ..don't know where u are from )

    I don;t expect you to like nor admire our country...but still...have some respect and stop this hatred/racism . like any other country on this earth we have + and - .

    @Arson i don't like cheaters neither. i don't defend them . believe me when i say if i knew for sure that someone was won't matter to me if he is romanian or other nationality ...i would push for a kt on the sucker.

    there have been cheaters of many nationalities but everyone seems to have hatred only on romanians. this racism is kinda disturbing
  • Romanians dont own anything... literally.
    i never talk shit about smth if i don't know what i am talking about. if i don't have enough information.
    You all forget that if it wasn't for europeans you would all still be dancing around a fire and scream to the sky. ( i am talking about people in usa ..don't know where u are from )

    I don;t expect you to like nor admire our country...but still...have some respect and stop this hatred/racism .

    @Arson i don't like cheaters neither. i don't defend them . believe me when i say if i knew for sure that someone was won't matter to me if he is romanian or other nationality ...i would push for a kt on the sucker.

    there have been cheaters of many nationalities but everyone seems to have hatred only on romanians. this racism is kinda disturbing
    TL DR. You sound a little angry you pocket picking gypsy
  • Your posts are too long, and I don't care enough to read them. On the internet there is a meme/running joke called "meanwhile in....(enter country/continent/city name)". Its just funny that Romania has a bunch of hilarious gypsy pictures out there. You need to relax yourself, and be open to a little ribbing on the internet.
  • From what I gather, you had a NAP to all romanians and you guys turned the round into a snoozefest. I see every reason for the trashtalking.

    xCANADAx would be sad... persona, crash, mercer, flazer, dave, me. Within a week, only flazer and dave would be left.
  • nah cory. your pictures are funny. but other people take it to another level
    gypsies are not romanian....they are a nomadic population based in India and Pakistan . can find gypsy population in almost every country in Europe and even on the american continent. There is a larger gypsy population in Romania because they have many rights here as a minority plus romanian citizenship is very easy to get.

    so learn some history before saying romanians = gyspies
  • edited February 2014
    I read his first paragraph out of curiosity. He thinks Americans are direct descendants of Native Americans.

    But then he says: "i never talk shit about smth if i don't know what i am talking about."

    Apparently you do...the US population is less than 1% native american...

    I think we are just going to call Romanians one of two things from now on:

    xROMAx or xGYPSYx
  • UA xHIGHx coming... only people from Colorado or Washington can apply without a script from a Doctor.
  • i got my script, can california be included?
  • With a script, yes.
  • Michigan has scripts to where's our love?
  • I read his first paragraph out of curiosity. He thinks Americans are direct descendants of Native Americans.

    But then he says: "i never talk shit about smth if i don't know what i am talking about."

    Apparently you do...the US population is less than 1% native american...

    I think we are just going to call Romanians one of two things from now on:

    xROMAx or xGYPSYx
    oh cory i had higher expectations from you......disappointing
    i didn't say that. i said that if europeans wouldn't have discovered the Americas and brought technology and knowledge you wouldn't have been so advanced as you are today.
    and yes most of the US population today descend from the english/spanish ..basically europeans. + african population brought as slaves + other peoples that immigrated in US over time like chinese,japanese etc.
    so basically you don't have a real identity
  • Your mom doesn't have a real identity. Blah blah blah blathering idiot Cumi.
  • If you present the script with your application... you can be approved, but I will need copies of your ID, Socisl Security Card, Medical License number on script, control number, three references, and of course all contact ingormation of your doctor and dispensary ( not Duane from down the street either)
  • Gypsies stink of dust
  • Scouse stink of Gypsy Farts!
  • Your mom doesn't have a real identity. Blah blah blah blathering idiot Cumi.
    mom jokes :)) really ?
    i don't argue with mentally challenged people ... it's a waste of time
  • Scouse stink of Gypsy Farts!
    Scouser fart out the smell of greatness.
  • Your mom doesn't have a real identity. Blah blah blah blathering idiot Cumi.
    mom jokes :)) really ?
    i don't argue with mentally challenged people ... it's a waste of time
    thats racist

  • Oooo, from your mom to a mentally challenged joke. I'll go next, your face is stupid. BOOM!
  • Romanians can understand English, but you can't teach them humor around the gypsy fire.

    Cumi if you had high expectations for me, then you are hopeless.
  • DWs not honoring DWnap should be allowed to be KTed
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