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Ban women from SK.



  • Nah Pie, I found it on Google.
  • edited January 2014
    Orca, the wolf of the sea.

  • what is the most scary water animal

    shark, crocodile, whale?
  • It would have to be a crocodile since it can go in just about anything.
  • but who wins out of a crocodile vs whale
  • Take it from Sir Stevo... Stingrays are the scariest
  • I'd have to go with Croc because you can go on land to escape sharks and whales. Crocs can kill you on land also.
  • I'd say sharks, we don't stick our heads in a sharks mouth for fun...
  • edited January 2014
    Hmmm, let's see what happens when you actually do that for a living.

  • Hey guys. I think ifwe eliminated women, it would stop the early wars
  • Problem is most of you are a bunch of pussies yourselves
  • i remember they did a computer gen of a shark vs crocodile and said that the shark would win

    fucking bullshit imo
  • Crocodiles aren't that scary. Just lean on their mouths. They aren't that quick on land either. Gotta go shark
  • crocodiles are faster than you give them credit for but their main strength comes in being a silent attacker that catches their prey off guard

    crocodiles have not evolved in millions of years. dont be mistaken that this makes them "behind" other animals. they have just never been challenged by another animal that forces them to evolve.
  • Crocodiles aren't that scary. Just lean on their mouths. They aren't that quick on land either. Gotta go shark
    I dont think a shark can lean :))
  • Crocodiles aren't that scary. Just lean on their mouths. They aren't that quick on land either. Gotta go shark
    I dont think a shark can lean :))
    He can if he's OG!!!!
  • A shark vs a croc in a straight fight would be a shark, but I guess breed/size play roles. If we are talking a great white like I picture in my head, it wouldn't be a contest. The only way a croc would win is if it was a large breed (Nile crocodile for instance) and the shark swam in to its mouth. But for the most part, aren't these fresh vs salt water creatures?
  • You can have both fresh and salt water crocs.
  • I thought sharks were all saltwater bitches like crocks? Googlisish to the rescue
  • You can have both fresh and salt water crocs.
    For the most part, crocs and gators stick to fresh water though, right? I doubt they rarely cross each other in nature.
  • edited January 2014
    um since this was what is more scary water creature thing. well 2500 fatalities from crocs per year, roughly 15 fatalities from sharks. HMMMMM seems no contest in shark vs croc for me. However i will state, i will not go in water with either of these things around so fuck that noise. I however am more afraid of candiru fish thing for water creatures cause that shit swims up your urethra and grows inside you. So that is scary to me.
  • People wrestle crocs though so that might be a factor :P

  • Crocs kill more people because people don't live in the water DG. If we all lived in Atlantis, sharks would be much scarier. Crocs are up on the land, killin our dudes.
  • edited January 2014

    This is a far more scary freshwater animal than Crocs.
  • edited January 2014
    crocodiles can handle salt water/fresh water

    i found the video if anyone is interested

  • Sharks can do the same.
  • Crocodiles aren't that scary. Just lean on their mouths. They aren't that quick on land either. Gotta go shark
    Armchair experience?
    Trust me, I live with them on an almost daily basis...
    You don't get the chance to "lean on their mouths", and if you did, good luck with their death roll and slashing tail that can rip you a new arse hole ;)
    As nimrod said, they are ambush predators... you'll never see them coming.

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