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Wage Cap For Swiss Execs



  • I am not now, nor have I ever been a Republican. I've always been an independent. It depends on which is the lesser idiot running.
  • I am not now, nor have I ever been a Republican. I've always been an independent. It depends on which is the lesser idiot running.
    It's hard to pick between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.
  • this discussion is further proof that the two party system has failed. the rest of the world laughs at us for a reason.
  • I must say I love Aza and Sci's posts. I've always hated structuring politics into parties.
  • Neg, I do want to point out that the United States Postal Service is a private company.
  • edited December 2013
    most parties these days have changed to centrist with slight leans to the left/right

    it appeals to more people while maintaining the bullshit "im so left/right" argument that hardcore political supporters use

    you are right that free market shouldn't be linked to any side. I mention it though because the conservative governments are the ones that seems to support the privatising of public services by selling assets and turning the market into a free market

    the UK (currently tories) are currently selling off their mail service and AUS have sold off their telecommunications company at a bottom dollar price just to show a green number at the next budget

    there are a lot of questions to ask when such sell offs occur

    unfortunately you won't get any answers except to just accept that these companies are getting sold off for short-sighted results

    also pie is definitely a democrats voter. isnt he a public service worker for the environment or something? its gotta be in his best interest to vote democrats
  • haha, and the empathy card has been played. we cannot possibly help poor people without the government guise! we just need to give all of our money to the state and they will take care of all of us equally!

    first off its pretty obvious that you have no idea what a free market is. this idea that you seem to have about how you live in one and dont like the way its done is laughable. there isnt a single first world country that has anything close to a free market right now. they are all over regulated to prevent the little guy (whom you seem so worried about) from getting into the market and being competitive. jobs for lower class workers are being destroyed every day because companies are fleeing big countries with their mountains of tax laws and moving to countries that are much lessregulated.
    now the first argument you are going to make against that is "but the workers are paid more here and thats slave labor what those terrible big businesses are doing!"
    you will think silly things like that because you do not understand how currency works, and living in a first world country has tainted your idea about the value of money. in the US, for example, our money is currently worth less than the fabric it is printed on. you need to be able to make 50-60 dollars a day just to survive with basic things like food and shelter. in countries that have not over regulated the hell out of everything (most of which, as i've said, are third world) you can easily live with the same basic functions on about 2 dollars a day. all the poor Chinese workers that everyone was freaking out about during china's rise into the first world went from making pennies an hour (while being provided housing) to making a couple of bucks a day. this growth in the wages for poor workers is directly tied to the free market creating a supply and demand balance for workers in the region. they have to be paid more because their employers want them to buy the products they are making to help the business grow. they also cannot afford to lose their now moderately skilled workers to other companies so the pay has to go up to keep them. china's lower class has gone from drowning in poverty to a point where they can start to afford nicer things. its a growth that would never happen in a market controlled by the state because the whole goal of the state is to steal power from the people and give it to the ruling elite.

    now i would agree that many CEOs make way too much money for the work that they do. instead of merely bitching about it, like you do, i actually investigate companies that are acting shady and then avoid purchasing their products. BP's handling of the oil spill in the gulf was poorly done and showed an obvious lack of basic human compassion on their part. i have not purchased gasoline from gas stations that they supply ever since. if we had a free market this would be the natural response to the situation and BP would go under as a result. however, since the state controls the market, BP is virtually untouched and can continue to operate with little regard for human decency because they have the governments of the world to shield them.

    and on a more personal note. dont talk to me about privilege and opportunity. i've been to the bottom of the barrel. i've lived in roach infested drug houses and worked jobs illegal immigrants didnt even want to do. anything i have in life is because i worked my ass off to get there. i've suffered set backs, i've slept in my car because i had nowhere else to go for several days. i've had to beg for help from others and claw and scrape for basic human necessities. dont talk to me about the poor, the homeless, the sick, the rejects. those are people i understand perfectly. those are people that i want to see do amazing things, i want to see them change the world. i want to see them free from governments who force them into a life that has no rewards and nothing to look forward to. dont talk to me about empathy. anyone who supports big state governments is only proving that they hate other people and want to control them (or they are too stupid to know that they are giving their freedoms away).
    The free market creates innovation. Goverments and the legislation they enact become stagnant and outdated.

    As far as the swiss regulating the income of private individuals who work outside of their government, kinda silly. Now they're generating less tax revenue.

  • people voting for their "best interests" are why democracy is not a good system. rule by the uneducated masses is just as corrupt as rule by a single tyrant.
  • My car is low on gas! Its Obamas fault!
  • edited December 2013
    Any winner-take-all system leaves a vast amount of people unrepresented in politics.
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