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Wage Cap For Swiss Execs

edited November 2013 in General
Neat stuff going on over in Switzerland



  • This needs to go global.
  • This is not neat, this is tyranny.

    The government has no say in how much a PRIVATE company decides to pay its workers. The only reason a minimum wage is in place is to stop companies from EXPLOITING workers, which is clearly not the case here.
  • This is not neat, this is tyranny.

    The government has no say in how much a PRIVATE company decides to pay its workers. The only reason a minimum wage is in place is to stop companies from EXPLOITING workers, which is clearly not the case here.
    ^^^^^ this 100%

  • The swiss are always doing neat things. They can because of their size.

    I'm sure companies will still find loopholes to compensate, but its the fact that if a company has employees that work 40 hours a week and make 17,500 a year (with shit benefits) and you post 17 billion in profits....well that just sucks. Why is Walmart allowed to be the second biggest employer in the US (first is the US govt including military) but a vast majority of their employees are below the poverty line?

    If I'm anything, I'm a conservative moderate, but I think that this is at least worth talking about. I'm anti-union, but I think they need to pay a bit better (not double or anything) or lower what execs make and share the wealth a little internally.

    Whatever. I'm scatterbrained on the subject.
  • if youre anti union then you may as well pull down your pants and let your boss fuck you over again and again

    o wait that already happens in america

    no min wage, no healthcare, some sort of retarded tipping system?

    the majority of conservatives are baby boomers that want to protect their super or poor people that think they will become rich by supporting conservatives

    in the end a socialist government will provide services for the people rather than profits being the bottom line

    that doesnt matter though when youre a selfish piece of shit
  • edited November 2013
    We have minimum wage and healthcare in the US....

    And I've never had to pull down my pants at work. What line of business are you in neg?
  • edited November 2013
    no minimum wage as in it may as well be nothing
    obamacare got a lot of rejection because baby boomers didnt want theyre health fees to increase (which makes sense when you consider theyre getting older)
  • edited November 2013
    Americas Minimum wage system is retarded. It does not reflect the actual worth of the dollar. If It did, It would be something like 15-20$ and hour, which can't happen. You could single handedly destroy the country in doing so. Its bad enough that at the beginning of the year, Many Many companies will be switching all non management personel to 30 hours or less to compensate for the Health Care Act, then you will see mass panic in America and a HUGE increase in government Aide aka food stamps. Were headed down a road that is irreversible and it is damn near too late to come back from it. America is screwed for at least 30 more years since 2001.

    Also, I say that many companies will be cutting hours because my company is doing so. They sent out an email which accidently had that in it when it wasn't supposed too.
  • Americas Minimum wage system is retarded. It does not reflect the actual worth of the dollar. If It did, It would be something like 15-20$ and hour, which can't happen. You could single handedly destroy the country in doing so. Its bad enough that at the beginning of the year, Many Many companies will be switching all non management personel to 30 hours or less to compensate for the Health Care Act, then you will see mass panic in America and a HUGE increase in government Aide aka food stamps. Were headed down a road that is irreversible and it is damn near too late to come back from it. America is screwed for at least 30 more years since 2001.

    Also, I say that many companies will be cutting hours because my company is doing so. They sent out an email which accidently had that in it when it wasn't supposed too.
    Wages never kept up with inflation through the last century. The top 1% has a commanding amount of income compared to the common man. It's not an easy society to live in, that's for sure.
  • edited November 2013
    If you want to support the top 1% making infinite amount of everything while you get peanuts be warned... they will become your Gods through life extensions, medicine, implants, and cloning. You will not even know what they have available to them. That is the end result of this folks once they have perfected it, if they haven't already, they become Gods. You, well sorry about your luck but take comfort knowing you were all for it! They'll populate other planets and everything else and create slave races that are completely oblivious to the heaven they've built themselves, and make it so you can never find them... or have they already done this if they have you'll never know.
  • Businesses are entitiled to make as much money as they want in the USA and their owners/shareholders have the same right. But could you imagine the anarchy that would ensue if walmarts top execs only put down $240k a year? There would be riots! (Not)
  • If you want to support the top 1% making infinite amount of everything while you get peanuts be warned... they will become your Gods through life extensions, medicine, implants, and cloning. You will not even know what they have available to them. That is the end result of this folks once they have perfected it, if they haven't already, they become Gods. You, well sorry about your luck but take comfort knowing you were all for it! They'll populate other planets and everything else and create slave races that are completely oblivious to the heaven they've built themselves, and make it so you can never find them... or have they already done this if they have you'll never know.
    You should write sf books dank. That would be a great read.

  • edited November 2013
    I am thinking about giving that a shot sometime. Just look at politicians now how they remodel their faces and get all of these surgeries you'll never be able to afford. This whole planet is divided up into farms in a game that nobody will ever win. The internet has brought us closer together than ever before and I don't think it will last. It has to be stopped we won't be allowed to evolve.
  • the problem with these companies execs making so much while workers make so little is mostly because of stupid regulations that countries have that create a barrier to entry for new business. when the big boys dont have to worry about new companies breaking in and taking their market share they can live like kings while the rest of us slave away. Regulation kills competition, which kills wages. when your governments are bought and paid for by the mega corporations you have to expect this result
  • edited November 2013
    Yep just like when the bankers on Wall Street lost big and the banks were totally screwed they just used the politicians to give themselves even more money.

    Too big to fail... lol what?
  • When I come to SK PFs I expect to find nuanced and empirical based discussions.

    This is also how I base my belief system.
  • Yep just like when the bankers on Wall Street lost big and the banks were totally screwed they just used the politicians to give themselves even more money.

    Too big to fail... lol what?
    I was sooo angry about that, still am actually. I heard Iceland jailed those bastards and their economy is bouncing back.
  • edited November 2013
    Were headed down a road that is irreversible and it is damn near too late to come back from it.
    Are you really this fucking stupid? If it's irreversible you can't come back from it. If it's damn near too late to come back from it, it isn't irreversible.

    You need to learn how to formulate a coherent thought you dumbfuck.
  • edited November 2013
    I love it when Sci gets angry.
  • I love it when Sci gets angry.
    Eh. I wouldn't call it angry. I was just skimming through the posts, and read that sentence from Rohan (by accident).
  • Too big to fail was important to the survival and endurance of our economy. We did NOT want another great depression.
  • Unions are just cults now.

    There is no defense for guys who make a half mil a year though, let's be honest. They can moan all they want but there is zero sympathy had by any one, at all.
  • edited November 2013
    Were headed down a road that is irreversible and it is damn near too late to come back from it.
    Are you really this fucking stupid? If it's irreversible you can't come back from it. If it's damn near too late to come back from it, it isn't irreversible.

    You need to learn how to formulate a coherent thought you dumbfuck.
    Suck my floppy ass donkey dick you pathetic soulless ginger cunt.

    EDIT: Also, it wasn't the metaphorical road that was irreversible, but the destination at the END of the road that is irreversible. Makes perfect sense.
  • Be honest rohan, that was a pretty dumb statement haha
  • i have to assume that this is for publicly traded companies only, because if i had a business and somebody tried capping my income i'm pretty sure thats when i'd start investing actively in taking that government down.
  • Be honest rohan, that was a pretty dumb statement haha

    Not at all lol, I know what I was saying, not my fault it doesn't reach where I wanted it to in words. Sci should stfu every once in a while, this has to be the only god damn skless thread on the pfs and he had to fuck it up.
  • itt: we go from swiss wage caps to america shit economy

  • itt: we go from swiss wage caps to america shit economy

    everything that developed countries do in regards to economy changes the outlook for other developed countries
  • all political threads turn into america shit economy
  • all political threads turn into america shit economy
    itt: we go from swiss wage caps to america shit economy

    everything that developed countries do in regards to economy changes the outlook for other developed countries
    took the words right out of my mouth. Until americ no longer holds the reseve currency, the world economies are intertwined with it.
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