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([Stunner] vs [Phantomz] vs[DisneyChannel] vs [Redemption]) vs Multis



  • I grabbed you while in like 30th place on charts u in the top 10. You and no one in your alliance could grab me back. And no skill to play DW? I think it is by far the highest skill cap pt to play. After day one you have to maintain safe defence while grabbing active players, while everyone else grabs in actives and max explores. Mystic is by far the easiest. You can be#1 land just grabbing in actives after the first week, DW u actually have to pick smart grabs and maintain some control over yourself
  • Easiest is FW explore and turtle.
    Or mountain. Lol

    Went in my victory drinking binge after the game, came home to just under 200 news. Sux hahahah
    They were on a 14-0 goal run there. Good stuff.
  • I'm sorry but when you are basically given goons just for training soldiers, how is that hard? Wouldn't it be: go high pop, train tanks every tick, once a day go to BCarts Emporium and exchange all left over soldiers for goons, hit once a day... repeat? Sure I supposed to Knobs out there will go goons/LTs.. but with the offensive bonus.. why?

    And yes Misty is easy for active people. I guarantee newbies picking up the game for the first time will accomplish more and proclaim themselves "skilled players" far quicker playing a DW over ANY other PT because they grab beyond their means. Gives the meek a sense of power they don't deserve.

    Side Note: If my sectors would ever buy me a Warp Gate leaving Newbie I would be much, much larger. I could be making my 4th set of grabs within 24h of leaving newbie. 16 hits folks
  • edited November 2013
    Add neg to the choo choo... haha bitch guess old skool cancers raped ur ass :ar!
  • edited November 2013
    I'm sorry but when you are basically given goons just for training soldiers, how is that hard? Wouldn't it be: go high pop, train tanks every tick, once a day go to BCarts Emporium and exchange all left over soldiers for goons, hit once a day... repeat? Sure I supposed to Knobs out there will go goons/LTs.. but with the offensive bonus.. why?

    And yes Misty is easy for active people. I guarantee newbies picking up the game for the first time will accomplish more and proclaim themselves "skilled players" far quicker playing a DW over ANY other PT because they grab beyond their means. Gives the meek a sense of power they don't deserve.

    Side Note: If my sectors would ever buy me a Warp Gate leaving Newbie I would be much, much larger. I could be making my 4th set of grabs within 24h of leaving newbie. 16 hits folks
    Love playing dw
  • The only cancer is the negative nelly neg
  • edited November 2013
    In all seriousness here.. I'm way too active for DW. The return times would kill me. My style is very much suited for Misty.. possibly TF, which I may try next round. You gotta play to your strength. But all you DWs out there... if you got SierraNevada spouting the benefits of DW... you gotta know you have a noob pt:-)
  • In all seriousness here.. I'm way too active for DW. The return times would kill me. My style is very much suited for Misty.. possibly TF, which I may try next round. You gotta play to your strength. But all you DWs out there... if you got SierraNevada spouting the benefits of DW... you gotta know you have a noob pt:-)

    Went in my victory drinking binge after the game, came home to just under 200 news. Sux hahahah
    They were on a 14-0 goal run there. Good stuff.
    If we can keep it up against the black cocks, ill b stoked. Also Bryz will get his first start against Columbus in a week i think, backtoback games.
  • edited November 2013
    Bryz has put a fire under dubnyks ass. But they are giving up less shots it seems too.
  • edited November 2013
    In all seriousness here.. I'm way too active for DW. The return times would kill me. My style is very much suited for Misty.. possibly TF, which I may try next round. You gotta play to your strength. But all you DWs out there... if you got SierraNevada spouting the benefits of DW... you gotta know you have a noob pt:-)
    Ouch that burns a little. Well at least im a really active noob tho, aint been hit all round either so I must be doing something right.

    Another thing is that you never seem to have a top 10 kd but consider yourself a superior player....Wouldnt a superior player have a top kd regardless of the pt they chose?

  • Edmonton still sucks and wont go anywhere :P
  • Edmonton still sucks and wont go anywhere :P
  • Edmonton still sucks and wont go anywhere :P
    Get bent you herpes-infested cock-guzzling cum dumpster. Have fun in jamaica!
  • Anyone bragging about how good their DW kd is probably has some severe autism
  • DW was super easy to play before all the buffs it got.
  • I'm playing DW for the first time ever this round and I'm really good at it. I should go pro. For the record meadows, SK is way better when you log in and have no messages.
  • Anyone bragging about how good their DW kd is probably has some severe autism
    I build the best DW kd ;-)

  • that is why i don't lead alliances unless they're only my sector
  • Anyone bragging about how good their DW kd is probably has some severe autism
    I build the best DW kd ;-)

    everyone is just trying to be like u
  • my DW is the best
  • My DW brings all the boys to the yard.
  • Wat I'm DW pro!
  • CoryNewb for mayor
  • Moonlands (X:3,Y:7) @ Desert Wasteland 4742 708,811 2271

    Dead as a door nail
  • Another one bites the dust!
  • you guys have no idea

    you need to think of all the money that goes into exploring

    you think i stopped caring when i stopped exploring? quite the opposite

    how much does it cost to make 20k troopers vs exploring from 3100 land, where 30k troopers have a net land gain of 350 land/ 16 hrs
  • you should calc the efficiency of it with high pop, its much better than goons
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