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Dota 2



  • edited November 2013
    the new game made by blizzard looks good the one like lol and dota
    It looks okay but I don't think the real Dota, LOL, HoN fans will be lured over there. It seems more like a watered down version for those with short attention spans that love pretty graphics. Don't get me wrong I think there is a huge opportunity there I just don't think it will be considered an e-sport. Blizzard is turning themself into the Fisher Price of video games. Another way of saying it is that their audience appears to be the people we beat the crap out of that just need a place to cry for a minute.
  • I think it would be neat playing with all the classic Blizzard characters, but that's about it.
  • If they do a free to play model I'll probably play it, but not going to quit DOTA2 for it unless its amazing.
  • the blizzard game is meant to appeal to the very casual market -> 20 minute games, no gold and shared experience apparently.

    blizzard had their chance to support dota but they didnt take it seriously. now starcraft is dying, wow subs are dropping and their cash cow cod isnt as popular anymore.

    what do they do.
  • Tony hawk and guitar hero need to HD editions lolololjk

    U forgot to say diablo 3 auction house shutting down so they lose revenue there too
  • yes diablo 3 was a fail.

    all they have now is some card game in beta that will lose its buzz after a few months
  • Hearthstone might make some money because its like magic. U pay to win. But it isn't long term. Also sounds like titan or whatever is getting completely redone. Ayeyeyey. Blizzard and acta are going to be hurting
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