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  • edited October 2013
    *tosses notes away*

    ╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • I only run TCs on my high Fighter DWs
  • Typically I play with TC's since I'm usually just tank def for the first few weeks, after that I move to a high res strat, but as you can tell I play to die within the first month and it tends to work quite well.

  • more like first 2 weeks
  • edited October 2013
    TF's and LD's are perfect. It's harder to overload your rax when you're focusing strictly on one set of units, in my case LD's. While bays have a limit that you can't go over. Set up what you feel is a good offense for TF's and you're good to go. It works well because most people don't smack someone who has enough TF's to hit you back... unless you're KTed of course :P
    you finished way below Hansa on s2, you're opinion on this does not count.
    Lynog, I was AT last round, KTed Multiple times, of course I didn't make top rank. I also Suicided like 3 or 4 times on Eiko to kill him. Rank 1 is not nor ever my ultimate goal, But I can undoubtedly get there if I truly wanted too.

    **Edit** I play the game to destroy and fuck with anyone I can, I've only wanted to make a rank 1 recently, and I rage suicided after that ordeal with Mod.
  • From the calcs I did if you're play goons / LDs then TCs are only really worth it when in mobi. If you're playing tacts or tanks then the leeway is bigger.

    There is also one other solemnly considered point. TCs make your troops cheaper but do not give you any income and therefore can't be robbed from you. That's an important point if you're low probes, no shields, high income or just tend to get robbed.
  • That's probably what lynog meant, seeing as how Hansa can at least make a rank1 kingdom, even if it's not the greatest.
    i did mean hazza but both of them are shite, one considerably more than the other.
    as I don't use tanks I'm a shite player..?

    I didn't play to get #1 nw.. but my style does tend to start to catch up towards the end when its too late.
  • let this thread die i got the answers i was looking for thanks
  • Let your face die.
  • at request of thread creator and no more necros!
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