Maybe the truth will come out, maybe it is already out. The only idiots are those that claim they know for sure what happened. And you mate, even if you dont claim it you are an idiot too.
There were no WMD it was pure bs in Iraq. There was no Al Qaeda there. Then we admit to growing, harvesting, and smuggling opium in Afghanistan. The production steadily increases now and decreased before we arrived. Then Libya we aid Al Qaeda by arming them. Now maybe you think this is fine. That doesn't change the need to lie to justify these things. You can't justify it with truth. Just as now with Syria they are making it up and everyone can witness it. Now I say sheep you reply conspiracy... the army marches forward. The people don't win but the companies prosper. Companies are greater than people. Destroying the planet that brings life is worse than killing life it is against the universe... but profits are in the raping of everything. So that's what will transpire. Good buy Pacific... good buy oceans... hello glass coated continents. Aiding the enemy is treason and it is clear to see... congress is irrelevant in authorizing the war because it is already treason to hand them weapons. We payed them to protect our convoys in Afghanistan from thwmselves this shit is stupid. Don't even get me started on the bbc reporting the tower fell when you see it in the background standing. No plane hitting one but poof down it goes... freefall.
Al Qaeda was actually created by the US during the cold war I think?
My main thing is the most provable fact there is. No steel building in history has ever fallen at free fall speeds in its own foot print due to fire. You don't have to be a Demolition expert to understand the physics behind how a building would fall naturally, or if it was intentionally pulled. Steel cross-braced buildings do not fall to fire, according to the report, it was the collapse from floor to floor which cause the tower to fall, however it would have fallen over in a gigantic piece, not parish into dust leaving molten steel at the bottom for over a week all while in its own foot print. Never. Ever.
If the building fell due to the collapsing of the floors, it would have NEVER fell at free fall speed, UNLESS in this special case, physics went on vaca for a day.
We should help Syria crush Al Qaeda for this guy to request assistance from Congress to assist our enemy is a defining moment in history... if he gets it God help us all. Iran next then us... from their own mouths. Qwj you have no rebuttal no argument that is why they call you sheep. You don't care you don't think... bahhhhhhh.
We should help Syria crush Al Qaeda for this guy to request assistance from Congress to assist our enemy is a defining moment in history... if he gets it God help us all. Iran next then us... from their own mouths.
Actually, was it not Al Qaeda who was designated at the initial group to have composed, and carried out sept. 11? In which case, us giving Al Qaeda in Syria weapons to overthrow their government would be considered treason, only because the president would be aiding the enemy of the united states. **which is pure treason**
I actually have an opinion on the matter. I just havent put it forward.
SK isnt really the place I come for intelligent debates mate
Also, you havent actually said anything other than the usual conspiracy nutter shit, whereas people like jester have actually attempted to put forward arguments. Yours is just your usual shit haha, you could easily edit one of your posts and change government to lynog and it would be exactly like one of your sk posts about us controlling the game.
Yeah I haven't posted my opinion cause I'm not out to change yours haha. I do agree the official stories almost always have glaring holes, or they retract shit and hope nobody notices. Governments always do that, sometimes for good reasons and often for bad reasons, but at the end of the day common folk like us can't do shit about it.
You might think you have a say in anything, but this isnt V For Vendetta.
Going along with it doesn't make us sheep, we are just making the best of our situations. You are accomplishing nothing by trashtalking every person you come across and calling them a stupid sheep, so you may as well just be like us.
Qwj the shit I post is all on record as facts take your head out of your ass. You have no argument and never will. Even the British aren't supporting this Syrian bs. There will come a time when your inability to care will be too dangerous to allow you to be born. I don't wish that upon you but this personality type will be isolated and removed to advance mankind. If you remove your brain and place it live into a jar I will hide it in my closet in hopes of one day repairing you. I may have to place it into a monkey I can't promise to put it into the same body again unless you freeze it.
A lot of assumptions there dank mate, like I said, I havent even stated my opinion on it yet. Doesnt mean I support a certain side more than the other or I dont care.
I actually have an opinion on the matter. I just havent put it forward.
SK isnt really the place I come for intelligent debates mate
Also, you havent actually said anything other than the usual conspiracy nutter shit, whereas people like jester have actually attempted to put forward arguments. Yours is just your usual shit haha, you could easily edit one of your posts and change government to lynog and it would be exactly like one of your sk posts about us controlling the game.
Qwj, this is precisely why I don't post anything further then what I do, people like you. It's a waste of time to put forth anything worth wild because no matter how much proof it had, you still wouldn't believe it. This is called converting a nation which comes in 4 steps:
Here is a good video from a Russian KGB which explains its process: http: //
However I prefer the video only because he explains the difficulties of trying to inform a nation who has gone through this process, to which the United States has gone through Multiple times.
What was the stage set for Sept. 11? Crises was set **towers fell**, then we looked to the Government and the media for an answer to what had happened **within hours of the attacks, they new it was terrorists.
They then offered legislation called: The Patriot act which infringed on our constitution dramatically. I would argue that had sept. 11th not happened, the bill would have never been introduced, nevertheless passed.
1) Demoralization - Change the morals of a nation **because Law reflect the morality of the people.
2) Destabilization Destabilize the economy **initiates a level of fear, insecurity, etc. **People are more likely to accept laws if they cannot eat or find jobs.
3) Crisis See Sept. 11th
and 4) Normalization After the crises, people naturally look for an answer to our problems. Who magically knew who did the attacks on us within the first day of the attacks? Our Government. Who magically knew exactly what to pass to prevent this kind of thing from happening again? Our government AKA The Patriot Act.
We are currently in #4, while we are coming about on #3 again with the war on Syria. Another instance of law that our government tried to pass with this process: Gun Legislation literally 1 day after the school shooting in Newtown.
I could go on and on with this process, however I'm late for work.
< Qwj, this is precisely why I don't post anything further then what I do, people like you. It's a waste of time to put forth anything worth wild because no matter how much proof it had, you still wouldn't believe it.
Ill watch the video later but just to touch on this statement. This is precisely the attitude that makes me laugh at people.
There is a few bits of evidence that hasnt been explained or seems dodgy. I admit that freely
Yet there is shitloads of other evidence for the other side of the story, and yet as you put it yourself, no matter how much proof it had, you still wouldnt believe it.
These "free thinkers" are exactly like the "sheep"....EXACTLY. That is my ONLY argument in this thread.
You claim there's so much evidence for the "other side"? Care to share it with the rest of us? I've yet to see anything plausible that would make me think that the then Bush Administration shouldn't be executed for being traitors, either by allowing the attacks to happen and profiting from it or the whole tragedy being an inside job.
and 4) Normalization After the crises, people naturally look for an answer to our problems. Who magically knew who did the attacks on us within the first day of the attacks? Our Government. Who magically knew exactly what to pass to prevent this kind of thing from happening again? Our government AKA The Patriot Act.
I don't get it. You are saying they knew what to do and how to do it too quickly? That is their job, like literally their entire job. There are good points for why the Bush Admin. is guilty, but that isn't one of them.
Would the common people prefer their government dragged their feet? I get the skepticism, but I would bet the billions of dollars of tax money being funded into espionnage and such is enough that they know what nearly every sand nigger out there eats for breakfest in the morning.
Btw, my info wasn't an attempt to prove that the government did it, only the current events coincide with the provided formula. My personal biased would be yes that they did, however, lets keep to the facts
And yet that knew nothing about the single largest attack in American history on US soil.
I wonder how many potential largest attacks on american soil they have stopped though. Some will always slip through.
They didnt "magically" know what to pass, they have hundreds probably thousands of people that are paid to do nothing but this.
And Magically knowing who did it, knowing the flight numbers its not hard to look through security film to see all passengers. Not to mention phone calls from passengers etc describing the planes hijackings etc.
They knew those planes were hijacked, the one that hit the pentagon was known to be hijacked for over an hour before it hit. But we did nothing.
However, according to the Intelligence Official, **will give the name shortly when I find the article** who was the highest ranking government official to ever go whistle blower says that there was no plane that hit the pentagon. According to his measurement's and analysis, it was a missile. If you search hard enough you can the authentic sensor video that captured the video of a missile hitting the pentagon.
More interesting info, All of the video censors for the pentegon were shut off except one on Sept. 11
It was even reported by MSM that OBL had died at the end of 2001 as American soldiers bombed the hell out of the Tora Bora region where everyone thought he was hiding (Not from the bombing but from natural causes and raises all kinds of questions in relation to his recent "death" ). Some links:
But this isn't acceptable because the War on Terror was to last for a while so these fake Bin Laden's popped up magically admitting that he WAS behind the attacks. What a coincidence if you believe in such things. I certainly don't!
Not to mention that a lot of the terrorists who supposedly carried out the attacks were found alive and well! For the others, their flight instructor stated that they were useless at flying anything.
Then there's the whole "death of OBL" problem with inconsistencies rife everywhere:
- Who remembers the "war games" happening at exactly the same time so as to confuse NORAD controllers who didn't know whether it was a real hijacking or simulated? - "The Project for a New American Century" think tank saying in 2001 that America needs a "new Pearl Harbor". - Alex Jones in mid-2001 stated that the US government will carry out a false flag, possibly involving the World Trade Centers, as a pretext for an invasion of the Middle East. - Passports magically surviving a plane crashing into the WTC (Seriously?) - Luggage left including a passport of one of the alleged terrorists magically naming all 19 hijackers (How convenient, but wouldn't he need the passport to board the plane?) - Bush being pre-occupied with children like a paedophile. Got told the news only to just sit there calmly. Gets told at 5 minutes in:
- 4 frames of "video footage" showing something hitting the Pentagon? Seriously? There were loads of cameras around the site and that's all they can show? - Rumsfeld states that $2.3 trillion has magically disappeared from the Pentagon on Sept 10th. Then Sept 11th happens. - In July 2001, Larry Silverstein took out an insurance policy for the WTC with protection against terrorist attacks. - Manipulation of airline stocks in the days before 9/11. - Bush being a gutless coward and needing someone to hold his hand in the form of Dick Cheney in front of the 911 commission on condition that nothing would be filmed, recorded or transcribed.
Some others:
- Thermite possibly being used in the collapse of the towers. - No steel structure has ever fallen when on fire. In relation to the WTC, steel has a much higher melting point than the temperature that gasoline melts at. - WTC falling at free fall speed possibly because of demolitions. - Bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the WTC in the days prior to the attacks. - There may not have been any people on any of the planes at all, rather it could have been a military plane or remote controlled. - Molten steel found on the site of the collapsed towers. - Many eyewitnesses saying that they could hear explosions going off.
Can't be bothered to give any more examples.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that the Saudi's agreed to provide identities/people to the US for use in the attacks in full cooperation with the US government. Through war, the Saudi's make tons of money from oil. In the US, some people profited by having this knowledge, some used it as an excuse to finish Saddam after Afghanistan for Bush sr, some used it for other agenda's and wars while others used it to introduce some blatantly bullshit laws and organizations. The overall picture is always a One World Government and the NWO. In my opinion, on a global scale, they're either pushing for WW3 (Because it would be hard to control a population of 7 billion) or some other global catastrophe to unite everyone. I'm hoping that the people themselves can stop it coming through education, social media that breaks through all boundaries, and awareness.
I'm sure Israel comes into this somehow too but not sure in what way.
Fuck, i have a lot to read later.... I will read it though.
One thing I dont believe in is that rediculous "killing" of OBL then randomly dumping the body at sea. The most wanted man on the planet for the past decade supposedly killed then dumped at sea to remove all evidence. Nah.
Yeah... why wouldnt you hang his head on the pentagon? Seems questionable.
Ive watched the videos about why it was an inside job, and a lot of it seemed hard to prove. Pedestrians are hard to believe as they are easily fooled, some seem to enjoy making shit up to be sensational, and others also claim theyve been abducted by aliens
I found it plausible that the towers were demo'd, but i wonder how many towers have been demo'd in the past of that size? Something for them to relate to. Simulations arent enough to tell you how it will fall. The logical mind assumes jet fuel would burn hot enough, but its hard to say. Im not an expert, and as a rule, i take everything i see with a grain of salt.
I fail to see how America has come out on top of this situation. I dont even think enough people have died to help our population issues. They just need to go on a crusade and salt the earth or smthing if thats their goal.
Also something hits the Pentagon but nobody dies? Sorry thats just laughable. You would think at least one of those fellows would have gotten some shrapnel in his face. If that really is their story, well, no wonder people are skeptic.
Most of the issues with the Pentagon involve the photographs before the section collapses. You can clearly see just one hole. Unless the plane thought it could fly without any wings, I dunno man, it looks suspicious.
About the jet fuel, it doesnt need to be hot enough to melt, it needs to be hot enough to weaken. Coupled with the physical damage from the plane going through the building it is highly likely some of the support was in a weakened state.
edit - some of these URLs are very very dodgy and not the place you should be expecting concrete evidence hahha ffs
My main thing is the most provable fact there is. No steel building in history has ever fallen at free fall speeds in its own foot print due to fire. You don't have to be a Demolition expert to understand the physics behind how a building would fall naturally, or if it was intentionally pulled. Steel cross-braced buildings do not fall to fire, according to the report, it was the collapse from floor to floor which cause the tower to fall, however it would have fallen over in a gigantic piece, not parish into dust leaving molten steel at the bottom for over a week all while in its own foot print. Never. Ever.
If the building fell due to the collapsing of the floors, it would have NEVER fell at free fall speed, UNLESS in this special case, physics went on vaca for a day.
In which case, us giving Al Qaeda in Syria weapons to overthrow their government would be considered treason, only because the president would be aiding the enemy of the united states. **which is pure treason**
SK isnt really the place I come for intelligent debates mate
Also, you havent actually said anything other than the usual conspiracy nutter shit, whereas people like jester have actually attempted to put forward arguments. Yours is just your usual shit haha, you could easily edit one of your posts and change government to lynog and it would be exactly like one of your sk posts about us controlling the game.
You might think you have a say in anything, but this isnt V For Vendetta.
Going along with it doesn't make us sheep, we are just making the best of our situations. You are accomplishing nothing by trashtalking every person you come across and calling them a stupid sheep, so you may as well just be like us.
Here is a good video from a Russian KGB which explains its process:
Here is an article on the subject for it as well:
However I prefer the video only because he explains the difficulties of trying to inform a nation who has gone through this process, to which the United States has gone through Multiple times.
What was the stage set for Sept. 11? Crises was set **towers fell**, then we looked to the Government and the media for an answer to what had happened **within hours of the attacks, they new it was terrorists.
They then offered legislation called: The Patriot act which infringed on our constitution dramatically. I would argue that had sept. 11th not happened, the bill would have never been introduced, nevertheless passed.
1) Demoralization
- Change the morals of a nation **because Law reflect the morality of the people.
2) Destabilization
Destabilize the economy **initiates a level of fear, insecurity, etc. **People are more likely to accept laws if they cannot eat or find jobs.
3) Crisis
See Sept. 11th
and 4) Normalization
After the crises, people naturally look for an answer to our problems. Who magically knew who did the attacks on us within the first day of the attacks? Our Government. Who magically knew exactly what to pass to prevent this kind of thing from happening again? Our government AKA The Patriot Act.
We are currently in #4, while we are coming about on #3 again with the war on Syria. Another instance of law that our government tried to pass with this process: Gun Legislation literally 1 day after the school shooting in Newtown.
I could go on and on with this process, however I'm late for work.
There is a few bits of evidence that hasnt been explained or seems dodgy. I admit that freely
Yet there is shitloads of other evidence for the other side of the story, and yet as you put it yourself, no matter how much proof it had, you still wouldnt believe it.
These "free thinkers" are exactly like the "sheep"....EXACTLY. That is my ONLY argument in this thread.
None at all ?
Would the common people prefer their government dragged their feet? I get the skepticism, but I would bet the billions of dollars of tax money being funded into espionnage and such is enough that they know what nearly every sand nigger out there eats for breakfest in the morning.
They didnt "magically" know what to pass, they have hundreds probably thousands of people that are paid to do nothing but this.
And Magically knowing who did it, knowing the flight numbers its not hard to look through security film to see all passengers. Not to mention phone calls from passengers etc describing the planes hijackings etc.
I do not have an answer for those phone calls, but I have a personal theory.
As for the actual hijacking of the planes, All I can give you is this: --- Read the first paragraph
They knew those planes were hijacked, the one that hit the pentagon was known to be hijacked for over an hour before it hit. But we did nothing.
However, according to the Intelligence Official, **will give the name shortly when I find the article** who was the highest ranking government official to ever go whistle blower says that there was no plane that hit the pentagon. According to his measurement's and analysis, it was a missile. If you search hard enough you can the authentic sensor video that captured the video of a missile hitting the pentagon.
More interesting info, All of the video censors for the pentegon were shut off except one on Sept. 11
There's ample proof of Al Qaeda and Bin Laden saying that they were not responsible for 9/11 in the days and weeks immediately afterwards. Some links:
The Taliban openly stated in Oct 2001 that they'll hand OBL over if proof is shown that he orchestrated 9/11:
It was even reported by MSM that OBL had died at the end of 2001 as American soldiers bombed the hell out of the Tora Bora region where everyone thought he was hiding (Not from the bombing but from natural causes and raises all kinds of questions in relation to his recent "death"
But this isn't acceptable because the War on Terror was to last for a while so these fake Bin Laden's popped up magically admitting that he WAS behind the attacks. What a coincidence if you believe in such things. I certainly don't!
Not to mention that a lot of the terrorists who supposedly carried out the attacks were found alive and well! For the others, their flight instructor stated that they were useless at flying anything.
Then there's the whole "death of OBL" problem with inconsistencies rife everywhere:
Why it could be the government:
Well, there's too many to state, haha.
- Who remembers the "war games" happening at exactly the same time so as to confuse NORAD controllers who didn't know whether it was a real hijacking or simulated?
- "The Project for a New American Century" think tank saying in 2001 that America needs a "new Pearl Harbor".
- Alex Jones in mid-2001 stated that the US government will carry out a false flag, possibly involving the World Trade Centers, as a pretext for an invasion of the Middle East.
- Passports magically surviving a plane crashing into the WTC (Seriously?)
- Luggage left including a passport of one of the alleged terrorists magically naming all 19 hijackers (How convenient, but wouldn't he need the passport to board the plane?)
- Bush being pre-occupied with children like a paedophile. Got told the news only to just sit there calmly. Gets told at 5 minutes in:
- 4 frames of "video footage" showing something hitting the Pentagon? Seriously? There were loads of cameras around the site and that's all they can show?
- Rumsfeld states that $2.3 trillion has magically disappeared from the Pentagon on Sept 10th. Then Sept 11th happens.
- In July 2001, Larry Silverstein took out an insurance policy for the WTC with protection against terrorist attacks.
- Manipulation of airline stocks in the days before 9/11.
- Bush being a gutless coward and needing someone to hold his hand in the form of Dick Cheney in front of the 911 commission on condition that nothing would be filmed, recorded or transcribed.
Some others:
- Thermite possibly being used in the collapse of the towers.
- No steel structure has ever fallen when on fire. In relation to the WTC, steel has a much higher melting point than the temperature that gasoline melts at.
- WTC falling at free fall speed possibly because of demolitions.
- Bomb sniffing dogs were removed from the WTC in the days prior to the attacks.
- There may not have been any people on any of the planes at all, rather it could have been a military plane or remote controlled.
- Molten steel found on the site of the collapsed towers.
- Many eyewitnesses saying that they could hear explosions going off.
Can't be bothered to give any more examples.
Personally, I'm of the opinion that the Saudi's agreed to provide identities/people to the US for use in the attacks in full cooperation with the US government. Through war, the Saudi's make tons of money from oil. In the US, some people profited by having this knowledge, some used it as an excuse to finish Saddam after Afghanistan for Bush sr, some used it for other agenda's and wars while others used it to introduce some blatantly bullshit laws and organizations. The overall picture is always a One World Government and the NWO. In my opinion, on a global scale, they're either pushing for WW3 (Because it would be hard to control a population of 7 billion) or some other global catastrophe to unite everyone. I'm hoping that the people themselves can stop it coming through education, social media that breaks through all boundaries, and awareness.
I'm sure Israel comes into this somehow too but not sure in what way.
One thing I dont believe in is that rediculous "killing" of OBL then randomly dumping the body at sea. The most wanted man on the planet for the past decade supposedly killed then dumped at sea to remove all evidence. Nah.
Ive watched the videos about why it was an inside job, and a lot of it seemed hard to prove. Pedestrians are hard to believe as they are easily fooled, some seem to enjoy making shit up to be sensational, and others also claim theyve been abducted by aliens
I found it plausible that the towers were demo'd, but i wonder how many towers have been demo'd in the past of that size? Something for them to relate to.
Simulations arent enough to tell you how it will fall. The logical mind assumes jet fuel would burn hot enough, but its hard to say. Im not an expert, and as a rule, i take everything i see with a grain of salt.
I fail to see how America has come out on top of this situation. I dont even think enough people have died to help our population issues. They just need to go on a crusade and salt the earth or smthing if thats their goal.
In the meantime, GTAV comes out soon so yeah.
Most of the issues with the Pentagon involve the photographs before the section collapses. You can clearly see just one hole. Unless the plane thought it could fly without any wings, I dunno man, it looks suspicious.
edit - some of these URLs are very very dodgy and not the place you should be expecting concrete evidence hahha ffs