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  • God damnit blood, I said hello!

    I thought you were bloodyoats this entire time.
  • sorry man, way too OLD here.

    *grabs a seat* , some cookie.. and some lemonade...ask for hot chocolate if you are up north, friggin cold.

    So, who are you again?

    This old wolf don't remember many names but is our photo album.
  • I have no idea.

    Blood, BloodFilter, BloodEcho, I was Stephin (or something like that) in Fenris.

    Oh, Before that I was Gangrel. But... i dont remember how long back.
  • I was Bebop in fenris around 2002
  • Blood is an old mate that served with me in Source from the beginning, multied with me in r17 or 18, and has one of my bastard children that I don't pay child support on. A true Trooper, OG, and my nigga :D

    Me, I started g6b, held my head low with my friends, joined source UA in G16 or 17ish. And was a nobody ever since :P
  • I was Bebop in fenris around 2002
    welcome back. I probably would play next round, care to play just for old times sake. There is about 50 of us...could be fun.
    AIM: lady.ashnod

  • I have no idea.

    Blood, BloodFilter, BloodEcho, I was Stephin (or something like that) in Fenris.

    Oh, Before that I was Gangrel. But... i dont remember how long back.
    Your HOF is probably still there. Lem said he can upload the back up, just need a new website. There are about 145 cards - one of them can be yours. I have the links to it, Lem was saying I can upload it/back up for everyone to see.
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