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\ / Round 53 DX Alliance \ /



  • HG you noob. Cobras is a much, much better AL then you ever will be. Quit running your mouth. :P
  • edited October 2012
    HG you noob. Cobras is a much, much better AL then you ever will be. Quit running your mouth. :P
    Sci, he runs his alliances with all my old officers lmao... Think before you speak.

    619,Hazza,rook,pie,hatetank.. Etc etc
  • So this is a stacking thread?
    Not sure if stacking is correct there is a chance his groups could land in the same sector, but it is always nice to have 5 cells out there leading that sector towards joining you.
    Actually stacking might be a better alternative here than anything. I'd rather have one mondo sector in premier alliance than have 5 most decent sectors gravitate towards that alliance.

    The playerbase isn't big enough, even for 5 sector alliances.
    doesnt mean its gonna be the 5 best sectors...just means it will be 5 sectors that each have at least 4 solid kds in those sectors

    Eh well two ways to look at something, if you have a huge sector that is fully stacked you could probably get 3 decent sectors to come along just for protection purposes. If you have 5 groups spread out thats a whole lot more activity that will be loyal to you, get those people pushing activity in their sectors...i might rather have just one stacked sector lol
  • HG you noob. Cobras is a much, much better AL then you ever will be. Quit running your mouth. :P
    Sci, he runs his alliances with all my old officers lmao... Think before you speak.

    619,Hazza,rook,pie,hatetank.. Etc etc
    I didn't say your officers were trash, I said you were.
  • HG you noob. Cobras is a much, much better AL then you ever will be. Quit running your mouth. :P
    Sci, he runs his alliances with all my old officers lmao... Think before you speak.

    619,Hazza,rook,pie,hatetank.. Etc etc
    Besides hazza idk if you would call them his officers, rook and pie always want to kill him ftw
  • edited October 2012
    HG you noob. Cobras is a much, much better AL then you ever will be. Quit running your mouth. :P
    Sci, he runs his alliances with all my old officers lmao... Think before you speak.

    619,Hazza,rook,pie,hatetank.. Etc etc
    well 619 and hatetank have never been an officer of mine(619 was vocal but was not an officer)

    rook/pie would both probably admit they did not help with politics much the stunner was basically me and lissa

    the only real officer u listed was hazza who has been the HOF officer for me both times i was AL
  • edited October 2012
    LoL Sci missed you too. An yea Dred whether they actually help with the alliance much is iffy at best besides HOF whorin lol point was simply its the same group of ppl who have had ranked 1 alliances for like 8/10 of the last few rounds and there guys I ran alliances with 4 years ago for fcks sake lol

    Also Sci u never got the "hype/front man" concept huh? U do realize I very rarely created the alliance and was AL when I claimed it right? Usually just FM lol besides for mercs and s2 alliances anyhow.

    And I ran alliances with Lissa too lol, 619 says he was your Val last round HB. You say bold faced lie eh?
  • LoL Sci missed you too. An yea Dred whether they actually help with the alliance much is iffy at best besides HOF whorin lol point was simply its the same group of ppl who have had ranked 1 alliances for like 8/10 of the last few rounds and there guys I ran alliances with 4 years ago for fcks sake lol

    Also Sci u never got the "hype/front man" concept huh? U do realize I very rarely created the alliance and was AL when I claimed it right? Usually just FM lol besides for mercs and s2 alliances anyhow.

    And I ran alliances with Lissa too lol, 619 says he was your Val last round HB. You say bold faced lie eh?
    Scars was my VAL and assumed AL responsibility when i died...but he likes to think that i put him in charge
  • As I told Cobras on aim when he told me he didn't know who you are:

    You talk more shit than lynig, and you make less sense than dank.

    P.S. - How's life been? It's been a while since you were around these parts.
  • hit me up on aim if you want to get involved in an alliance to fuck up this alliance

  • You talk more shit than skydragon, and you make less sense than dank
  • As I told Cobras on aim when he told me he didn't know who you are:

    You talk more shit than lynig, and you make less sense than dank.

    P.S. - How's life been? It's been a while since you were around these parts.
    He wouldn't know me he started playing 8 rounds after I stopped playing lol.

    Life is same old man, med school, work,pussy etc kept me outta this place for a year or so, but seems no matter wat I relapse at least once every 2 years. Hows you? Traveling I see :P I'm jelly won't lie.

    @ pos , no no no you gotta get your guys to join this alliance so your all in one place plz.

  • This alliance is going to crash and burn. :)
  • This alliance is going to crash and burn. :)
    just like your credibility to fight like a man
  • edited October 2012
    Credibility is irrelevant on a site that is insignificant these days and is mostly full of mentally impaired individuals whose opinions don't really matter. The only worthwhile thing to do here now is to abuse those "people" for lol's. :)

    And anyway, fighting physically over an online game is sad and pathetic. But still love the fact that Lynog gave a fake address because he was so scared of me, haha.
  • But still love the fact that Lynog gave a fake address because he was so scared of me, haha.
    i knew he was a coward

  • edited October 2012
    Cobras knows better than to stack "top players". He isnt Atmo or Flazer. He doesnt fall flat on his face everytime he ALs
  • just because the universe has an estimated value doesnt mean I dont try until multies get me. Not going to keep playing for an alliance which I get stressed out enough as it is with minimal sleep that actually does damage to myself, without a functional kd
  • You heared it here first folks, flazer doesnt care about his own alliances and once hes dead hes gone!!

  • Haha that is no secret, the mans give-a-fuck-o-meter is almost as bad as mine some rounds.

    Cobras doesnt want me and my group :( someone make a home for us!
  • man, I missed the trolling in sk-

    Cobras - don't kill me off early this round ok? I miss all this crap, also hit me up on aim when the round starts
  • There's like 25 scousers within 5 mins of lynog... Why would 1 man make him nervous first of all. Second I wouldn't give some random nerd from these forums my address for any reason lmao

    Stop acting this ignorant.
  • Oh let me go build a counter alliance real quick brb.
    ^^wanted to serve notice so you could plan accordingly ;)
    Ah yes let me go plan for the inevitable gangbang from you and your goonies!
  • Nobody got prem for lews?
  • There's like 25 scousers within 5 mins of lynog... Why would 1 man make him nervous first of all. Second I wouldn't give some random nerd from these forums my address for any reason lmao

    Stop acting this ignorant.
    How many scousers does it take to fight one guy?
  • There's like 25 scousers within 5 mins of lynog... Why would 1 man make him nervous first of all. Second I wouldn't give some random nerd from these forums my address for any reason lmao

    Stop acting this ignorant.
    How many scousers does it take to fight one guy?
    None. All of them will be trying to nick his wallet.
  • Wtf is "Nick his wallet"
  • Pickpocket. Steal.
  • Isn't 'nick' like a 'ding' or a dent?
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