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Dear Haters (and the rest)



  • ps. Seriously now xMafiax ??? really ??? cheaters, masters of account sharing, and prob and land farming mainly responsible for the fast downfall of the game along bcart's indiffirence!
    Even if everything you stated about Mafia was true, it would still be better than being a pussy.

    Bio didn't even go with the tried and true ... we going to stay out, make hits and get bigger and take LG on later. Nah, he declared nap with them and the declared on an alliance 1/3 of his size so he could "kill kesha". This to me, makes absolutelly no sense unless Bio true loyalty is to LG or something, in which cases he is betraying the people he is suppose to protect.
    Nope hes just a pussy, But his time will come and when it does the whole server is going to come down on him hard, it will be nothing he doesnt deserve
    He knows that an early war is going to gimp those alliances. He's at war with an alliance they all can farm and grow from. I'm almost positive they will take advantage of the situation and pounce on LG afterwards. This gives his alliance some time to amass offense.
  • I don't see it working for him.
  • Now I'm not saying I agree with Bio, but I will say...

    The most important things to have when taking on a larger alliance are confidence and activity. Declaring on and winning a war vs a smaller alliance will breed confidence and will gauge activity. It's a good barometer and a stepping stone if used properly. But it can blow up in your face.

    Good luck Bio.
  • I dunno about you guys but when people join my alliances I have them read the contract and sign it because there will be no room to scream and yell when I throw them into ridiculous wars :)
  • edited September 2012
    I hope he will declare with LG on RP. I didn't like a single one of the babies complaigning about Bio. F'em Bio farm em.
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