You know what Rob, I don't want to hear about your AIM buddylist, okay? I hate listening to people's AIM buddylists. It's like flipping through a stack of photographs. If I'm not in any of them, and nobody's having sex, I just... don't care.
We went to Antonella's and I got molested by the owner again. You weren't there. I ate my weight in pancetta.
Sup aza! I considered playing a round for a brief moment a couple months ago. Someone had a big recruiting drive going on; they even conta…
A friend from back when I played this game mentioned I'd been named in the 'guess the next poster' thread. I had a moment of disbelief that these forums still existed and anyone still played this shit-tier game. I only played because I had dial-up 1…
A friend from back when I played this game mentioned I'd been named in the 'guess the next poster' thread. I had a moment of disbelief that these forums still existed and anyone still played this shit-tier game. I only played because I had dial-up 1…
I play World of Tanks. My Twitch stream is
If you want to play, let me send you an invite and you'll get 1.5x XP whenever we platoon together. I also have a bonus code for a free premium tank, some premium currency, and some prem…