Yes Ramyrezz. But not sometimes, all the time. It could mean anything though. Drug dealers & prostitutes are looking out for themselves or their families too. It is important for people to stick together & stand up for your rights or you wil…
There are barking spiders here in Australia. They make a sound by rubbing their legs together or something like a cricket. There used to be a band called Cold Chisel who used the name Barking Spiders sometimes when they played incognito to warm up f…
They took your jobs because they are hard working.
and they tend to work for less pay.
no offense.
Oh sorry, they accepted less than minimum wage under the table. I should do something about that!
Yes, you should. Join a union. I have nothing aga…
Well, the US is doing a good job standing up to China atm. Someone had to do it so they deserve credit for having the balls to send that frigate to the Spratly Islands.
No-one is really blaming Romanians. Everyone knows that vampires don't use the internet. The first posts mentions them but Viva cleared that up.
Panda is obsessed with Lithuanians & seems to think that ever top account is xLTx or something.
Viva hasn't done anything wrong as SL. He is doing a better job than the previous SL. I noticed either you or another player accusing him of having multiple accounts in the past but he denies it & I wouldn't know either way. So long as he do…
Our military ranges from laughable to insane, it's just too big to define it ad good or bad. When it comes to tach we win easy, but when you out spend the rest of the world, that should be a given. As far as troops go, 1 for 1, it's still Israel. Th…
So instead, players gang up on smaller kingdoms & bash them out of the game?
This was my original point.
People have time enough to argue against raping suiciders but no time to argue against bashing & gang banging legit players?
The best pa…
New players lol
I was playing this game back when you were swimming around your old man's balls.
As his name suggests, BetaTester played in the original beta rounds 20 years ago.
The real difference between players like us & many others here is …
By people working together. He can't wipe out everyone at once.
We can start by nuking the multis in our sectors. When they start to retal, everyone starts hitting them.
It isn't rocket science.
We can win if we work together.
The alternative is s…
Yeah. I hear you. It is a bit like those new Star Wars movies with Ja Ja Binks.
We need to have a universal agreement to cut out the bashing & gangbanging of legit players, bite the bullet & take on the multi regardless of the personal cost.
Whilst I agree with this guys complaint, he is a total tool for blaming Obama. Microsoft have been doing this crap for years.
Then he starts with the N-bomb?
The bloke is a dickhead.