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  • I agree. If the admins of this game can track the history of the IP logins, the time, and the hours at which we login, everything will be solved. And the interactions between our KDs, mine, jamms and mdaLand in 1:4. They both are newbies in this ga…
  • In any case, 3 real people in same sector probing one guy is worse than negs multis taking over entire sectors and making them using weapons against eachother? I said that where? to use logic from your post how do you know they are real? how you …
  • look at my screenshots the ip they had when i took the screen shot was different then the ip they matched in said screen shots they modified their prefs after i posted and pm'd them, to have the correct IP address, and it also went up in RTT's pre…
  • Fake, the preferences have stated they share a connection @ work since round start . so this wasnt in defense of some cheaters? right right
  • you can go ask your cheating friends which kd i am if you are so grossly misinformed i've got moog on speed dial, its up to him to see if he has to balls or not to do something in his own alliance for once this round
  • They just probed me Am I a kt of shitty failed probes? I doubt it you wanna keep defending cheaters go ahead, its obvious what you are doing now
  • So i can put things in my prefs that i play with co-workers, match IPs all round, and interact? Cool, good to know
  • also note they have new preferences updated iwth the new IP they match with, and RTT added it to his prefs
  • hey fusorman is this proof of cheating News: Jamm: RTT:
  • in fairness to neg we dealt with the dumbest SL and the dumbest state changes all round if he had to ability to take SL from a sector, I think we would have done it to make his KD better long ago that said his posts seems sketchy but, there is tha…
  • it is so refreshing seeing people with legitimate logic skills after reading my sector forums all round
  • Id be honored if you made your last post at post number 420 in my thread Darius. Please consider.
  • Atmo I was the one who changed the nap to 24 hrs instead of 48 so hits would not be directed at the rest of the uni so long. Spin this off any way u want but in the end ur just pissed an at broke u. There is 0 relevance in your post to what I poste…
  • NAP thread/2ndC is shit thread, close enough Lets revisit how Moogle had to threaten war + nap to protect his friend, his VAL(?)'s groupmate, and his top offense - All so he could protect his kd ~6 hrs? after naps drop January 18, 02:49:52 Our …
  • Every kd who gain lands has a real person behind it from what I can tell. And do fails mutant explode? Cuz I killed 2500 troops when I hit him so... Damn man, you honestly aren't that dumb are you? "Each time a kingdom attacks there will be a 10%…
  • What did they kill 500 LTs? He was solid till I mutant exploded on him. Try 2,274 soldiers and 1,758 LTs.
  • Not like 9:9 didn't abuse their alliance properties in the middle of the round or anything. People need to reconsider what they believe abuse is. The game allowed for 1 sector alliances to declare war, peace, etc. There are no game rules limiting t…
  • "Your general opinion is one of someone who doesn't have to worry about getting bot raped... Must be nice. " What do you mean by that? I came into this round and every round for the past 10 that I've played expecting to get bot raped? If you are …
  • Everyone in this thread supporting Uni NAPs and bot killing is dumb. Pussyland is a moron, but is 100% right with his post. One main point: Lets all NAP and waste resources on bots (which in my alliance not on successful hit has been posted in >…
  • A day earlier we discussed anti turtling and what should be done. The result was that anti turtling isnt punishable as it is simply a planet strat. If they wanna build low defence then they can expect to be grabbed but still fall under GB rules. …
  • My one time attempt at sanity -Tyrsis if your pushing this you are a fuckkng joke. Lux or any other AL that would have followed him is equally a joke. Rank 1 is 500k, would that be a new record on a uni gangbang. -Lux had been asked about anti turtl…
  • Oh you think it's okay for Kesha to cheat well how about I just hack your account and flip you the bird. Maybe I'll go pay some Chinese kid to program a bot for me for twenty bucks. You posers are 100% fake coming here talking about rules. You coul…
  • My one time attempt at sanity -Tyrsis if your pushing this you are a fuckkng joke. Lux or any other AL that would have followed him is equally a joke. Rank 1 is 500k, would that be a new record on a uni gangbang. -Lux had been asked about anti turtl…
  • Hear that amog? You can run a rank 1 alliance next round again given this
  • Can we UNi kt wanadoo first
  • March 26, 15:52:39Our kingdom Chipotle (2:18) bravely defended against Zeme (2:5) and was victorious. March 26, 15:52:41Our kingdom Chipotle (2:18) bravely defended against Aruodas (2:19) and was victorious. March 26, 15:52:46Our kingdom Chipotle …