November 17, 14:04:22 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by remote probes.
November 17, 16:47:39 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently infiltrated by a failed probe attack. The pr…
What do you think of the keto diet? Seems to me that no carbs would lead the body to use muscle tissue as would this be good for gaining muscle or am I missing something?
Honestly consuming Huel would be infinitely better than what I consume on an ordinary basis, sucralose is the least of my issues haha. But I rarely use it I don't know why, I have bags of it sitting in the kitchen. If I had a shake with huel in it a…
This weeks been motivation , no appetite. Some days I am rdy to throw up weight others I just feel like a slug. Idk if it is manic depression or what lmao
From the site:
Huel is 100% vegan (better for the environment and animals), super convenient, high in protein (148g per 2,000 calories) and fiber (35g), contains under 5 grams of sugar per 2,000 calories (no added sugar), requires minimal packaging…
No there is no added sweeteners. Only vanilla extract for flavor. Its actually not bad if you blend with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. Tastes like a thick, slightly oaty fruit smoothie
Not too shabby at all. Must feel good doin the muscle up. I was doing calisthenics alot on my power tower w the weighted vest. Now with my 4 day split I am too fatigued to do calisthenics aswell. I need to find a happy medium