Is he having fun playing with himself now? I plan on coming back next round and join in the destruction...if I am going to get killed for no reason...might as well have fun and get a reason to get killed off.
So...wait...I do not get it. You are defending his actions...even though several of us never hit any of his KD's, and only I only hit his bots last round to try and recover our sector sent he took it over...spent all our money on sector weapons and …
He did the same to me...I had high pop but I was running to high of a percentage full on Rax because of recent hits...made me an easy target since I was offline for several hours. Probably did an SoB on me first since I had just started converting o…
Not like the Uni could have done anything anyway. We do not have the strength without cheating unfortunately the bots win. Just wish I had seen it earlier so I could have at least sent my WL's his least then I would of died f…
If not its not hard to get one. At least I do not think so...we could also make it even easier and have each SL copy a paste from the sector forums if there are those that are being stingy...and as in any good organization...if the SL helps someone …
Of course the key to this will be not worrying about what anyone has done in the past...whether you legit played, cheated, did some questionable things even though not truly cheating, etc. The whole point of the clean slate model would be that every…
never said you did if you had killed me this would be even worse of a bot owner as I did nothing to you last round or any round for that matter other than try to regain control of the sector so we could actually use the money we had been…
You were just a giant pain in the ass. You didn't just affect those guys you ruined everyone's game. You still hit who you want and there is no recourse. Because we would have to cheat just as much to do anything about you. So take your se…
O.o I legit feel like I lost valuable brain matter from reading this entire post. I enjoy the fact that not only are there so many cheaters, but that their only real argument is over who can cheat the best. Really....that is your claim to fame is th…