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ATTN RO. Choo chooooooooo



  • i like how darius talks about being top 3 when hes always been rank 10 nw the whole game, making no offense, no probes, no tcs, no pop, no nothing

    this is a sign of a player who doesnt actually know how to play
    i guess he is a top 3 landfarm, ill give him credit for that, and a good bankfarm as well
  • edited February 2014
    I wont argue whether or not any of that is true, only you will know that, either way what im saying is, you cant use probes very well, so none of it matter because you would of fell behind regardless, just like i said mine Jones and Flaz kds will get ahead of you, and they all did, you have been playing catch up with your borderline safe defense since weeks ago, both mine and Jones kds got rolled early on, i never even had probes till a week in.

    The difference between my excuses and yours in, i know exactly how i went wrong and i know with 100% confidence that i can make a hell of a lot better KD, history has proven it, you on the other hand havnt, thats not to say you never will im just saying you havnt and thats the truth.

    having friends at the top has obviously helped my shitty beable to stay up there but at the same time, if Flaz for instance decided he was going to hit me (i havnt actually seen his sok) then maybe he would beable too BUT, unlike your KD, i would beable to hit him straight back, 500k tfs 200k tanks 750k lds, roughly your defense with enough O to beable to roll more or less anyone back if they decided to turn on me, so its not like its a total carry, my kd can hold it own with all the other tops.
  • When lynog plays serious, you will see him at #1 around the 1million mark, and he will be 200k above the #2 lol. You know hes tryharding then.
    i played serious to an extent, i just had a terrible start, picking mysti then realizing the old bonus of 20% explore was the first set back.Not caring enough to remake was my second, not being active in newbiemode was another, no probes was my biggest mistake of the round yet i carried on playing regardless, Moogle was back and was asking me to play so i stuck it out, i got hit early on which doesnt help and having to play this long into a round is absolutely soul destroying, i just had to keep reminding myself there was a means to an ends, i done a decent job of my kd all things considered.
  • edited February 2014
    Ive always been above you in nw darius, from newbie exit until now, so dont cry when you have always been below me and need excuses. Its great when you make up random things like: I have 4m income you cant beat me. Tick rob next tick for 220k... yeah, biggest talker in the game, and nothing to show for it other than huge blobs of text that show the amount of cry he has

    even more sad my high pop income you think is so bad does much better than your garbage turtle kd that manages to be a land farm for me, even more sad I could have broken you first but alas lynog wanted to so no harm in that

    All I can mark this round as: darius lost and cries a bunch, cant beat anyone by turtling all round and sucking up to every single person who is a threat

    who honestly tries to suck up to me, fucking flazer, by putting up my avy I made of lovsan? give me a fucking break. Only now you start cussing cause of how shit you really are and needing excuses, just a two timing cunt
  • since you were a turtle you could have done high pop better than my high o kd,

    but alas you are too dumb to know the difference and dont know efficiency when you are an engineer, pathetic.

    calc resi income vs sm income for a terra plz

    tell me whats more efficient

    and see how bad you are at playing this game
  • why would i need to ask them, you probably dont even know how to calculate income
  • trolling galore
  • when jones was 3k land ahead i had an income equal to him, this was during the turtling stage

    when we planned to go offensive, is when my strat changed and was not as good as what jones has been doing, otherwise if I remained turtling it would be fine, and my income would be far superior to anyone's

    lynog amongst us had the highest income

    and im not kidding, please calculate resi income vs sm income. You talk like you know this stuff and seems like you can put me out of my misery, then do so, prove to me how im so stupid with this resi being shit strat
  • choochooo is funny .. seriously :) i like it
    but...i have a question...i don't understand smth..i'm a noob

    how come the kds that use ' choochoo ' trains are considered better players than the ones that get trained ? i don't understand.
    so...1 kd is on top3-top5 whatever...he gets gangbanged by other kds...and he is considered a lower player than the ones that need a gangbang to beat him in scores?

    the ones that do the trains..always say : ' you are a had a kd '. but you had to do a gangbang to get rid of that kd....something doesn't add up
  • If so many people dont care why are people still arguing
  • hahahahaha

    you do realise jones asks me more questions than you seem to think

    and you also do realise I know the numbers better than you, you just cant admit that I am right because, you don't even know where to begin to calculate this information

    its like you are racist against a black person because he is different, but in this case I am different in the aspect that I am actually doing better than what is the norm, you can't wrap your head around it because its too above you :)

    if there was someone I ask stuff about in this game, it would be meadows

  • Flazers better then you and jones and lynog would agree.
  • choochooo is funny .. seriously :) i like it
    but...i have a question...i don't understand smth..i'm a noob

    how come the kds that use ' choochoo ' trains are considered better players than the ones that get trained ? i don't understand.
    so...1 kd is on top3-top5 whatever...he gets gangbanged by other kds...and he is considered a lower player than the ones that need a gangbang to beat him in scores?

    the ones that do the trains..always say : ' you are a had a kd '. but you had to do a gangbang to get rid of that kd....something doesn't add up
    Not one person we trained was ahead or would ever be ahead of us in scores, we trained them for our amusement and the servers amusement.
  • I failed almost every attack for 72 hours
    And that makes you good?
  • Darius I think you are underestimating Flazers kd this rd, his build (early on) was superior to both yours and Jones kds. He had very good use of his probes and superior income on less land, as the round progressed and it became harder to keep the top 3 researches maxed is where his kd would start to falter but he knew that was going to be the case and he was fine with that. From a pure NW point of view right now Flazers kd is not built to get a great score but his kd is only bettered by Jones as a Terra and if it were just you and him left duking it out with you're kds then he wins quite easily.
  • No I'm not talking about his landlead I'm talking about his actual build, an all res Terra with maximum pop and money bonus is the optimal way to build a Terra.
  • lol

    you have much to learn darius
  • seems you dont even know the calculations for income, pity it is, pity
  • The problem is it's not sustainable in the long run. There are also a few high risks that run with it, being arsoned literally cripples you, RRs will target you and anymore than two kidnaps an hour can hurt you and also like I mentioned before it's hard to keep bonuses maxed, once pop bonus starts dropping then your income will stagnate
  • you think i dont know this stuff, its like i wrote the book on mechanics and you are using the book against me lol
  • Why you do mad that a all pop terra makes more money? I've heard this from 5 guys at least that are all better then you. Not sure why you are so mad flazer beat you. On top of that didn't jones and lynog just teach you how to use Pfs? I assume they don't need your scrubiness telling them how to do it
  • The problem is it's not sustainable in the long run. There are also a few high risks that run with it, being arsoned literally cripples you, RRs will target you and anymore than two kidnaps an hour can hurt you and also like I mentioned before it's hard to keep bonuses maxed, once pop bonus starts dropping then your income will stagnate
    Now youre getting somewhere.

    Now lets start with a lesson on allocating your massive early land lead to PFs so you can start pulling 120k tick robs on inacts and leftover cash farms around day 2 instead of making resis like a retard and we'll actually be teaching flazer how this game works
    Trust me when I say flaznub actually meant what he was doing, Flaz knows exactly how to build, everything he done (good or bad) he did actually mean to do, this isn't me taking his side (even though I would coz he's ma nigga) I'm just telling the truth. Very early on with no probes his kd was inferior to Jones but once he caught his probes up his kd was the best built (for a while) out of everyone's. He also only encountered research problems from what I remember around 50k land which was way longer than I thought he would.

  • edited February 2014
    But it didn't and were not comparing flazer and jones, we're comparing you and flazer. Which it seems the general consensus is that flazer is better. Plus this isn't what if Sk, because what if I hit for 800 land instead of 25?
  • edited February 2014
    The problem is it's not sustainable in the long run. There are also a few high risks that run with it, being arsoned literally cripples you, RRs will target you and anymore than two kidnaps an hour can hurt you and also like I mentioned before it's hard to keep bonuses maxed, once pop bonus starts dropping then your income will stagnate
    Now youre getting somewhere.

    Now lets start with a lesson on allocating your massive early land lead to PFs so you can start pulling 120k tick robs on inacts and leftover cash farms around day 2 instead of making resis like a retard and we'll actually be teaching flazer how this game works
    Trust me when I say flaznub actually meant what he was doing, Flaz knows exactly how to build, everything he done (good or bad) he did actually mean to do, this isn't me taking his side (even though I would coz he's ma nigga) I'm just telling the truth. Very early on with no probes his kd was inferior to Jones but once he caught his probes up his kd was the best built (for a while) out of everyone's. He also only encountered research problems from what I remember around 50k land which was way longer than I thought he would.

    Thats just incredibly wrong. The proof is jones tanked a grab and still blew flazer away, god forbid he had been allowed to take off without getting rolled by barricade which tbh he deserved to.

    It actually makes me sad you think this. Imagine if flazer had run the same strat with just a normal exit grabbing 25-30 land inacts then gotten rolled by barricade, vs jones who had his blatant farming start and was completely left alone for all of the early game, if not the entire game.
    Now your talking who played better, that would be Jones, I'm talking what strat was better and that would be Flazers ( once he had high probes)

    Fact is that res with max money and pop make a substantial amount more than SMS on a Terra, that is a stone cold fact , which makes being an all res tera the optimal way to build.
  • You passed him how? You had a little more land ? That was only due to hi
    Having Mobi stints due to war, his kd still had the same or more D, better Income and huge probes, an all res Terra is the optimal build In any round I really don't see why you can argue this, res make more money than SMS do, there is no two was about it, whether or not the round bonus suits it is another thing but that doesn't change the fact it's the optimal Terra build. If the two exact same size Terra kds had the same land and buildings bar one being all res and one being res/SMS then the res kd wins hands down
  • huh?

    if you say it isnt, show the math behind resi income and the math behind sm income

    I havent actually posted the math in the pfs yet, id love to see you back up your statements

    make sure to determine income based from power as well
  • Ok please do the math and then show us. If I'm wrong I'll never comment on Terra ever again. If I'm right you can never comment on building ever again. Deal?
  • Infact Flaz save him a job and post it for him, straight up res vs SMS income is all that's needed.
  • Ok please do the math and then show us. If I'm wrong I'll never comment on Terra ever again. If I'm right you can never comment on building ever again. Deal?
    Agree to admit im a better player when I'm right and I'll show you tomorrow
    The better players isn't the guy that can calculate strats, it's the guy that makes the better kingdoms ;)
  • Infact Flaz save him a job and post it for him, straight up res vs SMS income is all that's needed.
    Thats just one factor. The ignorance here is actually astounding to me. I barely looked at it and I was able to make the determination of superiority a long time ago

    Single Resi vs Single SM on a linear scale with max bonuses is superior, but there are so many other factors youre not considering I really have doubts on your understanding of this game.
    What factors are they? The ones I mentioned earlier about potential arsons kidnaps and land getting to high are the only factors. Terra was around a longtime before you decided to pick it up and self glorify your "god strat" which has yet to be seen. A lot more intelligent people than yourself have done the math on it over the years and they all come up with the same conclusion. Res > SMS on Terra
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