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  • edited August 2013
    Oh my goodness this is a good read. So many names mentioned I had long forgotten about, and Caspian and the "tap tap tap" jokes....Haha

    You are all welcome.
  • Since it cannot be edited, I added a little bit to the discussion only so my name will go down in history :)
  • guys i don't think sks plug is going to be pulled lol noobs
  • Well, we can thank crash for that, FUCKIN NOOBZZZ
  • guys i don't think sks plug is going to be pulled lol noobs

    Bcart saw you threw in the towel and now he's sad and moving on.
  • Wow, lol, interesting theories :p

    I can't believe no one got the obvious LOTR reference. Geez guys.

    But yeah, I am done modding here. I was sick of it since a long time ago but since I was the only one I felt like I had to at least somewhat keep it going. We played this game and it was such a total joke from bugs, to small player base etc. that it was pretty much the last straw for me.
  • Wow, lol, interesting theories :p

    I can't believe no one got the obvious LOTR reference. Geez guys.

    But yeah, I am done modding here. I was sick of it since a long time ago but since I was the only one I felt like I had to at least somewhat keep it going. We played this game and it was such a total joke from bugs, to small player base etc. that it was pretty much the last straw for me.
    who quotes bilbo?
  • Before reading your post, I pictured that scene. Can you suggest a couple new mods to bcart?
  • edited August 2013
    Also, Cya old friend
  • Wow, lol, interesting theories :p

    I can't believe no one got the obvious LOTR reference. Geez guys.

    But yeah, I am done modding here. I was sick of it since a long time ago but since I was the only one I felt like I had to at least somewhat keep it going. We played this game and it was such a total joke from bugs, to small player base etc. that it was pretty much the last straw for me.
    BUT I WUB U!

  • edited August 2013
    Before reading your post, I pictured that scene. Can you suggest a couple new mods to bcart?
    He can but it wouldn't make a difference he doesn't respond. I don't know why anyone would waste their time since they can't ban ip ranges or anything else. If Crash had that power himself this wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as it is. Crash tried but it is futile I don't see any reason for a replacement. If someone desires to delete bot threads all day every day... that is advanced obsessive compulsive disorder and we should not encourage that. Thanks for trying Crash.

    The only solution at this point is a player made forum... this one is fucked. If BCart ever pays attention he can redirect the forum url to that site since anytime he is involved it is him with all the power and can't be found. Whoever does it better not use this Vanilla shit either. Maybe Holo can add a subsection on his for sk and we use that. It would help his game in the process.
  • Not surprising considering Walls is leading..
  • I will justbgo back to retirement of this game... made some good friends but I sucks now


  • I for one can proudly say I'm being bashed into oblivion. The lols.

    Wanna make Bcart care? Stop buying preemies. Guaranteed Success.
    It is hard to believe that anyone is doing this but I know better.
  • #bcartfall

    after calling you different names for banning me for BS, I nominate myself :D
  • If crash gives me his username/password I'll write a script to delete bot threads :P
  • If crash gives me his username/password I'll write a script to delete bot threads :P
    Do eet

  • +1...stupid deletion.
  • Surprised cart didnt comment here.
  • Pfft, he hasn't noticed. I mean...

    I have full confidence in our moderator/game creator/GOD
  • If crash gives me his username/password I'll write a script to delete bot threads :P
    I had one for the old forums, could make ya one for here.
  • image
    I feel it necessary to point out that this post was at the epic level.
  • Thanks dank, I really try lol
  • What this is the end? But it can't be...
  • The end was long ago... we're playing a zombie game
  • edited September 2013
    The end was long ago... we're playing a zombie game
    Like l4d or plants vs zombies?
  • I think Bcart gave up when his sister was attacked by a fightclub member... Just rumors
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