19:58:18 Tokamak (1:6) - green ranger has 40k LDs defense powerless on 11k land

19:58:29 Tokamak (1:6) - gets like 10k tanks back in a minute
so heres how it all went down, brad hit red ranger and k2 hit green, red ranger hit brad, got bot rapped for hitting brad, then red ranger hit k2, now green is getting bot rapped and k2 is posting his stats in uni chat. weird no?
I got a feeling MrBot will magically back off and make some excuse for not killing all of them later on, even though that was the plan all along.
K2 told us the botman offered to take people out for him and he declined. Im not interested in all the lies here, im not gonna be playing sk agai more than likely, but your group is far from innocent haha
It is 100% certifiable that the bot owner is Zeality.
The truth top10 players already botted, k2 would rank #20 if this round didnt messed by bots.
Top players got botted before the first war