Whenever BCart logs in and resets. Could be minutes, could be days. Either way there's no point playing next round if the Ghost bug doesn't get fixed...
second of all, you are in the next day, which is august 16th at 10pm because your internal clock at that time is in the 16th, bcart's clock doesnt update the day compared to his date of where the game is located but by your date on your computer
sure this isnt like inception and its actually your dream within my dream? because in this universe id smash bcarts sister any day of the week, and when i say smash i mean insert my penis in her vagina
Yeah us Canadians dont fuck our sisters. Unless he is from Saskatchewan, then its debatable.
Pretty sure Ive explained the time problem once a round for as long as I can remember. Cray how many times its to the same people Its still 07:22 August 16th in BCart land.
Time in Bcartfall land is sk time GMT - 6 or just American/Canadian Mountain Time Zone
And perhaps if we didnt bad mouth him so much and post pictures of his sister he would be more receptive? Btw I remember seeing that pic years ago when it first appeared, its fucking creepy that you kept it.
second of all, you are in the next day, which is august 16th at 10pm because your internal clock at that time is in the 16th, bcart's clock doesnt update the day compared to his date of where the game is located but by your date on your computer
third of all, bcart isnt dead
so..... shit happens
Wouldn't that fantasy world be a nice place to live in?
because in this universe id smash bcarts sister any day of the week, and when i say smash i mean insert my penis in her vagina
Have you ever thought of doing your sister? since you know your American and thats what they do in the South :P lol
Pretty sure Ive explained the time problem once a round for as long as I can remember. Cray how many times its to the same people
Just sayin'.