Since Lynog and this dragon dude is pussy fighting. and only Lynog giving adress? Lynog why don't u just go to his place? or come to me in sweden
plzzzz dude, I can even buy u a wheel chair=)!
PS. Dragon sux, Lynog Sux. oh what the hell everyone suxx O.o. there we go.
Just admit you love him then stop talking about him because literally none of us give a fuck what you have to say about him
This guy needs it he isn't even entertaining.
hHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA=) please do Mr.ToAfraidToMeetLynogAndGetHisAssKicked lololollololololol Skydragon, skydragon skydragon. when u were small u were climbing in the ugly tree. U fell down and hit every fucking crotch. thats what u are ugly and a coward. Because of u I salute Lynog now instead of just flaming here.. Ill do no more to him what so ever. he fking pwned u faggot.. But sure, If u are on r way to sweden sometime come take a visit, drink some coffe. and well take a boxing game on my yard would be fun to see u collect ur teeth and jawbone off me neighbours yard
// feel the love coward