LA wins the stanley cup, hoorah, etc etc
Now for the interesting stuff:
1) Jonathan Quick for Vezina, Smythe and Lord Stanley... Thoughts? Well deserved in my opinion

2) being an NHL GM would suck, the same trades he was practically crucified for making the past half decade... Hes now being glorified for?
3) Beckham, Matthew Perry, Fat Italian guy and the rest of you famous LA people... Fuck you. I doubt they care about hockey, theys just there for the publicity and such. Donate the tickets to real fans

4) Why was there doubt about LA? The nature of the game is that the playoffs are incredibly dynamic, you cant take a snapshot of a team and say "they wont win the cup". LA has been steadily building a solid core for a few years now. They werent my number one pick but most people could recognize they had the base for a deep playoff run
5) The fuck do I watch now? Summer olympics? Id rather slowly chop up my nutsack with a rusty, dull knife.
4 i'm glad they went to 6 games but i'm also happy it's over and the off season can begin. Nash, Suter, Luongo and whoever else might have a change in address come the start of next season
and 5 you should youtube that :P
2011 Vancouver eliminated by Boston, Boston wins Stanley Cup
2012 Vancouver eliminated by L.A., L.A. wins Stanley Cup
2013 Is our year... it has to be!