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  • sup

    I signed up for the clone and it actually looks nice tbh

    also I'm a woman now not joking tia

  • Whoa, BotD. When did you transition?

  • New phone who this?

  • That would be me.

  • I vaguely remember I didn't like you, but I don't remember why.

  • I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual, but that didn't seem to stop you from letting me run your account.

  • I never let you run my account (that I can remember, anyway).

  • Dank that's the problem with this game. The players were its worst enemy. Cheating was rampant and botting was crazy even back in my days. A player shouldn't need to hide their identity just to avoid having their kingdom obliterated by multiple bot accounts the second it exits newbie mode. That happened on occasion to me, and sometimes I thought well fuck it I'd just call my kingdom Sephiroth and if people want to take me out the game from the start then I get my time back. I think it worked sometimes, as why go for the easy target who is revealing all? I think even less of the backstabbers.

    Honestly even if you could promise me a no cheat no dickhead game today I still wouldn't play as life has moved on and I don't have time for that any more. Fulltime job, frequently travelling the world for leisure, other outdoor hobbies like hiking. I also value my sleep more these days. They're not compatible with games that require several hours of time each day at specific times. The last thing I want is to be in the jungles of Vietnam or the deserts of Utah with no phone signal worrying about when I'll be able to grab some land for an online game. I don't even play Final Fantasy XIV any more for the same reasons. I have no time for multi player games. The last one I tried to get into was Rocket League a couple of years ago but that was a shit show too with pros using alternative accounts so they could get around the matching system and walk all over the lower ranked players. I got to diamond level and these twats were showing up doing air flip moves that you see in professional e-sports tournaments. Fuck that, I stopped that after about 100 hours and never went back.

    Must say I do enjoy typing "Sephiroth" into the search bar on your StarKingdoms discord occasionally and having a good laugh. Yes I'm on there and have been for several years. ;) No I won't say hi. Maybe if this website ever goes offline permanently.

  • You’d be amazed by all the advancements the dev team has been able to implement.

    But the best one especially for quality of life is the new afk bot. It builds on land, explores, builds military, robs and even attacks food bots all while you sleep. You have to play with the % of it all to get it running right but you can basically login 2-3x a day for a few mins and run a top KD still.

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