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@BCartfall I'm glad you are active and everything. Hope all is well and happy holidays. People can't sign in right now because whatever you did during that drunken rampage isn't letting them log in or find their accounts.
This is what they'll see:
The requested URL /game/terranova/ was not found on this server.
Please restore to circa. 2000's
fuck this shit...
i still can't get in but i hear others can...i fear i'll get in and they'll have robbed me blind... :-(
@dank hahahahahaha
merry belated christmas sk
i still can't log in...
i made a new bsgid the same as the old one, i can see my kd info at but the login button returns me to: Your session has expired. Please login again. Login to account
The last nail....
Not really, just means some have to make new bsgids.
It's all completely normal. Most admins act this way. Nothing is wrong here people. These aren't warning signs that the admin is drinking 5 bottles of Vodka a day.
Move along...
La la la
I'd like to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to log the scores which was the #1 request from the community.