Civic was WhoopeE 1:19. Chain hit him so GarbageBoy made his bots again. We let Rob know so Rob made his bots. GarbageBoy knows he doesn’t stand a chance against Rob so he either deleted or died from pop loss because we all know he can’t build a KD to save his life. Probably won’t even use his bot now lol
Civic got hit by Chain so he made bots to kill everyone again...
THhis is why Civic is pure Garbage
So are they Robs or Civics?
And which kd did Chain hit?
They're Rob's .. and it was some garbage kd in 1:19 2k land
Not like him to have the one.
Civic was WhoopeE 1:19. Chain hit him so GarbageBoy made his bots again. We let Rob know so Rob made his bots. GarbageBoy knows he doesn’t stand a chance against Rob so he either deleted or died from pop loss because we all know he can’t build a KD to save his life. Probably won’t even use his bot now lol
Was WhoopE actually Civic?
I didn't know that
Guess the bots are in again
Is it you rob, or will it be as round 83 again?
No point playing with bots around .
It's just silly
^^ what's the difference when you have a bunch of shit bag DWs n terras that go probe farm to mop up your KTs / ppl better than you
^^ Greg is bot owner
Nothing has changed... the cheats still cant build a one-tower sand castle, then blame others for for it
Viva la Redirection !!