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SexRegister censorship



  • lynog is on the register IRL
  • If you had written it like I have, I TOTALLY would of understood, sorry my bad brah!

    would have...

    at least do it right retard

  • lynog is on the register IRL
    I thought I saw him on Crimewatch.
  • hahahahahaah thanks unreliable. Babylon this guys first language isnt english and hes correcting you. well done braaaaa

    you mad
    Those were grammar error's retard. And English can be used different in different countries of the world. You have US/UK/CND English. Each with different spellings, grammar and effects. Then you obviously have lynogs ENGRISH.

    This just goes to show how many butt-buddies Lynog has!


  • ENGRISH? isnt that racist towards our yellow brothers?

    its not that i have butt buddies, its just everyone knows your a tard.

    retire again please we dont need more tards coming back

  • Those were grammar error's retard. And English can be used different in different countries of the world. You have US/UK/CND English. Each with different spellings, grammar and effects. Then you obviously have lynogs ENGRISH.

    This just goes to show how many butt-buddies Lynog has!


    Starting a sentence with and?
    Should probably be grammatical errors without the '

    If you are going to be that guy who comments on other peoples spelling/grammar (worse than a paedophile) then you should sort your own shit first.

  • edited March 2012

    Those were grammar error's retard. And English can be used different in different countries of the world. You have US/UK/CND English. Each with different spellings, grammar and effects. Then you obviously have lynogs ENGRISH.

    This just goes to show how many butt-buddies Lynog has!


    Starting a sentence with and?
    Should probably be grammatical errors without the '

    If you are going to be that guy who comments on other peoples spelling/grammar (worse than a paedophile) then you should sort your own shit first.

    No, the error owns the retard. The retard the error owned in this case is Babylon.
  • And who said SK couldn't be educational?
  • Hey I just realised I have Babylon twice on my AIM, both of which are

    Babylon10SK and Babylon10sk
  • Babylon you come in here acting like you're king shit because you have a girlfriend and a job. Then you try correcting someones grammar and you fail in the process. People beaking you do it cause you are a massive cock jockey, has nothing to do with being lynogs buttbuddies.
  • Babylon you're coming off with a massive holier than thou attitude with a typical "I have SUCH a great real life and you guys are all lifeless nerds" persona. This is an online game, treat it as such. If I want to know about your personal life I'll ask.

    As for lynog, he is often speaking in scouser slang that is hardly coherent, but in this thread I didn't really see that. If you wanna really get after him though may I suggest commenting on his ankles.
  • Babylon you're coming off with a massive holier than thou attitude with a typical "I have SUCH a great real life and you guys are all lifeless nerds" persona. This is an online game, treat it as such. If I want to know about your personal life I'll ask.

    As for lynog, he is often speaking in scouser slang that is hardly coherent, but in this thread I didn't really see that. If you wanna really get after him though may I suggest commenting on his ankles.
    Can't comment on his ankles when he's always on his knees!

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