See how common these views are. personally I like AT: 1.5 off to defense 15k goons to 10k ld without bonuses Suicider: 1.5 off sent to defense home. Regardless of unit type With both meaning about the same thing
at are just the letters you put infront of your kt thread to trick people into being more active on the kts... scared people are more productive people
Anti turtle bullshit is for shit players. If your a top player it doesn't matter.
You find out top offence and make sure you have more defence, aside from that make as much offence as u want.
If your not a top player and you have shit defence it doesn't matter your Gonna get rolled anyway no matter what your offence to defence ratio is.
A half-decent DW can still roll a top.
A half decent DW can't roll a top, a absolute pile of shit anti turtle joke of a DW, that's a different story. Depending how far into the round it is of course.
And can be double tapped right back by anyone in the top 5.
Of course, but the point was about anti-turtles. Anyone that knows how to build a trashy DW anti-turtle can break the tops, up to a certain point of course.
Anti-turtle has normaly been defined as a kingdom that has more offense-only military points than their defensive capabilities.
In the past few years i've seen the quality of people's builds getting a lot worse to a point where it's almost common day build to be around the 40% offense only units ratio. Also, these same players get all butt hurt when they get railroaded into an Anti-turtle state, cry for protection even though they played like a retard and begged for bigger kingdoms to come take their land.
A properly built anti-turtle usually has enough defense todo whatever he wants without being an appealing grab, either via a low land ratio or by having absolute defense against the other tops. The rest are just rape victims waiting to happen.
His KDs are a laugh though lynig, he often goes until the first war and people realize he has 100k goons and like 5k tanks. If that isn't hilarious I dont know what is
His KDs are a laugh though lynig, he often goes until the first war and people realize he has 100k goons and like 5k tanks. If that isn't hilarious I dont know what is
AT is AT regardless of size, you may be unbreakable when you get bigger... but you are still AT. 33% is the magic number and it includes total military, not just offense as some fucktards have claimed. 4k goons 2k LDs is AT. AT is NOT KTable, but they are FREE LAND as they are always suicided. 6k tanks is not AT but 6k tanks with 4k out is suicided and free land (assuming no other defense of course) the numbers stay the same regardless. 33% is free land, whether that's because you send too much out or that's your build.
AT becomes KT when that KD gets upset when they constantly get hit and start rolling the same Alliance.
Always suicided? No, by the actual rules, gangbangs and etc would still apply as they always have, the amount sent out is what is judged on total defense. Declaring one free land in that situation is the very same as KT and an act of war. We've become so lazily in this era of sk :P
A: Antiturtle
Q: Offense = 2/3 Defense ?
A: Free land
You find out top offence and make sure you have more defence, aside from that make as much offence as u want.
If your not a top player and you have shit defence it doesn't matter your Gonna get rolled anyway no matter what your offence to defence ratio is.
Defense < 50%
Suicider: 66% offense to 33% defense
^ if no one can break u see Jones...if u can be broken... See Ty
I agree with Jones on this one
Course if you're a good player you just break the tops and who cares.
He can break anyone at anytime.
In the past few years i've seen the quality of people's builds getting a lot worse to a point where it's almost common day build to be around the 40% offense only units ratio. Also, these same players get all butt hurt when they get railroaded into an Anti-turtle state, cry for protection even though they played like a retard and begged for bigger kingdoms to come take their land.
A properly built anti-turtle usually has enough defense todo whatever he wants without being an appealing grab, either via a low land ratio or by having absolute defense against the other tops. The rest are just rape victims waiting to happen.
40/60 is a great way to play DW. Then play for honor.
1. You are a trash sk player
2. See #1.
Will also cross-post this thread.
I think Ryan's post is similar to what's posted in R66.
In general, the offense to defense ratio for Anti-Turtle (R66) is as follows:
1. 60:40
2. 77:33 - maybe this meant 77:23
3. 66:34