Ok I want to know what alliance leader has been the worst this round and why.
The options are
Vulpes- Warden
Magician- Spatans
Tanker- legacy
Vortex AL
I think it's the first time we've had 4 shocking alliance leaders in one round, I honestly carnt think who is the worst AL this round, I don't really like any of them anyway.
Mages takes the best AL this round Fact
1) Magician, he's the best of a terrible 4, he can do the fluffy bits like link posting and his calc, he had no previously experience of being a AL apart from taking over AL of Santa when I died, he makes a semi decent WG but a pretty bad AL as he is a warmonger and is very trigger happy and lets grudges rule his judgement , he ultimately give away the win this round by hi failure to communicate with the universe
2)vulpes ( second worst)
Nothing more to say other than fucking clueless
3) vortex AL - ( forgot his name as he's a nobody)
Again absolutely clueless, kept posting volcanics as sabotage: grab: missile kill targets and only had a max of one kill target posted at a time!
He has been kill targetted and left many times because people within his own alliance said he's best left alive because of he does some one better will take over, I hope he never plays this game again
4) Tanker( the worst AL ever)
Apart from he's a ugly ginger 4 eyed bell end he's also another Awful AL who seems to have sold his alliance out and hung a lot of his tops out to be killed, he's a spineless inept leader with no WG skills and no diplomacy skills , he's also the worst builder out of the 4 and offers nothing to this game other than ugly looks
This shit is completely unfair. If you want to talk about fucking "bellends" Viva you take the god damn cake. Didnt you for one second... just one MOTHER FUCKING SECOND think that Tanker could die and I become AL? At that point, I win hands down. Fucking idiot.
Maybe if daddy beat your ass a bit more you'd learn some respect
Networth: 1,161,280 (94)
Land: 4,378 (84)
Honor: 3,384 (58)
Networth/Land Ratio: 265.25 (113)
Online (Last 10 minutes): Yes
Still doing better than Viva
Remember your alliance could not break me without me being powerless and countless fails all round
The facts are I was bigger than any one in your alliance by 500k NW
No one is going to buy the "You're inferior because you had to use tactics" bullshit you spew.
Go back to being irrelevant again kk?
Rmag I have no complaints against. Worst problem he had was one very outspoken SL who caused him nothing but shit and sold him out.
Vortex has been a good ally, and the guy in charge is an old friend
I am talking about this round and what you think of the leadership on this round only!!
Please leave me out of it, I just wanted people's opinions on the above 4
Why is things so hard ' bangs head against wall '
I know people think I am a shit AL and A shit Kingdom builder and a shit player blahblahbalh blah
( others think different , but every one has a right to there opinion )
... fuck off judging people viva... you should only be judged by your peers and you are more of a rat than an equal
You where the best, the competition was none existent