I'm looking to figure out the exact nw fomula used since vindi guide is only approximate and somewhat wrong.
Anyone know it?
what I am using has:
Land - 25 NW
Building (including in Construction) - 25 NW
Tank - 22 NW
Tactical Fighter - 18 NW
Scientist - 8 NW
Laser Dragoon - 8 NW
Laser Trooper - 7 NW
Dragoon - 7 NW
Trooper - 6 NW
Fighter - 9 NW
Soldier - 3 NW
Population - 1 NW
Money (500) - 1 NW
Probes (1000) - 1 NW ***I know this is wrong***
Power - Not worth anything
Missiles - nuc 25/fus 75/eng 150 NW each
February 19, 22:06:41TF TANKER (1:14)any insights into vindis guide?
February 19, 22:06:47TF TANKER (1:14)just noticed it's wrong going to fix it
I don't think the probes are wrong, though.
Population = 1
Probes = 1/1000
Money = 1/500
Land = 50
Building = 25
Tank = 22
Tactical Fighter = 18
Scientist = 8
Laser Dragoon = 8
Trooper = 6
Laser Trooper = 7
Dragoon = 7
Fighter = 9
Nuke = 5
Fusion = 7
Energy = 15
This is what I have saved, for comparison's sake. I'm not 100% sure on the accuracy anymore, because it's fairly old.
though, probes do give 0 nw. At least suiciding 4,000 probes does not decrease the networth.
i dunno about the probes. i'm almost positive i've monitored some PA fails in the past where i'll be out the right amount of networth after the probe losses. i don't have a kd to check with though.
I'm at work, what's your excuse?
Ryan, that sleep thing you mentioned. Might need it. lol
Thanks Ryan.