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ATTN: BaconCookies ProbeWhore



  • This was sent to me by a friend.

    November 11, 10:14:21 Our tactical defense systems report that we were just recently attacked by remote probes. 250,364 energy was destroyed by a suicide attack. Our FDC has succeeded in decrypting the probes origin and mission:
    Origin: Killer Rabbit (1:19)
    Mission: Suicide Attack
    Probes Sent: 1 (Lost: 1)
    I know its a killer rabbit, but which one.
  • c-c-c-c-combo breaker
  • Lol bcart fer days
  • i havent even been hiding

    i dont give 2 shits about my kd, doing this is literally the only reason im still logging in
  • Meadows doesn't hide. You have a 40% chance of picking a random KD in the uni and it is her, duh
  • lol made me snort my beer =))
  • ;) I missed a fun round to not go volcanic
  • no shit right!
  • for the record suiciding like 100 probes does like 100k worth of energy. Hell I got robbed for 300k by some guy who sent 1 probe. probes seem to be both super flimsy but more powerful
    doesnt matter how many you suicide, it goes off your max probes
    What if I told you robbing is the same way...
  • November 11, 16:08:02 Rob Banks 100 100 Your probes have successfully robbed their banks. They came back with 53,398 platinum.

  • Ohhh I can do WAY more then 350k :P
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