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Impiessible 1:10



  • KT pie
    wheres your kd?
  • The reason suiciders are not free land.

    If someone wants to farm. they would create a farm. have that farm suicide. then farm it. by your rule.

    when the 'no suicider farming' rule came into play, we already discussed this and I explained in detail at the beginning of the round , but I will ONCE AGAIN REITERATE IT FOR YOU.

    You cannot always tell if the suicider is 'legitimately' farmed or 'illegitimately' farmed.
    so you can either, ALWAYS QUESTION every suicide
    1. allow every suicider be free land
    2. allow NO suicider to be free land

    leaving option 1, just lets ppl free farm. and so people make suicide farms and farm them. this is terrible.

    2. is just stupid, cuz then u r suiciding and no one is hitting you.

    restricting the first hits on suiciders. Usually it has been set to the first 5 hits, everyone can only take 1 hit. Now it is no longer favorable for people to 'create a farm' to farm it, because they only get 1 hit, and if you are hitting after the first 5+ hits, MA is so high, you barely get any land, so it is ALSO not worth it.

    YES. In the past rounds, the amount of suiciders and farming that happened in this game DRASTICALLY DECREASED. as well, it evens up the playing field for legitimate players, now everyone is on a level playing field, no one gets a 50% spike in their land for having 0 offense.

    not really, I don't know if it is because of the MASSIVE INFLUX of old players where farming and this 'suicider rule' did not exist. (but this may just be an outlier, and not due to the return of players who don't know about this rule)

    Now for people who hit suiciders 3x and are not intentionally farming, each one is a case by case basis, but honestly this is why the suiciding rule is placed, Most alliances barely have any leadership, most dont even have a competent AL every round. The rules are not only in place to create a better community, but nowadays also an 'easier' community for leadership. So if everyone hits a suicider once. No work to be done, Hit 3x = kt, still no work to be done. This is why we do it.

    obviously some people still go 'who cares, if they want to kt me for it, i dun care, but i want that land' and they hit 3x anyways. Then it becomes another problem in the problem thread.


    Suicider rule helps fair play, slows farmers and cheaters, and is just easier to handle for the new alliance leaders.
    SK rules make me laugh. Name the last instance where a farmer was KTd. Round number and the KD.
  • KT pie
    wheres your kd?
    Bacon Cookies

  • Im not suicided. Therefore your arguement is invalid.
    i never said you were kt'ed, but you were suicided at that time and then you can be kt'ed, BC AL posted this in regards to AT, why would it not count for mysticides?
  • Because retards are special.
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
  • And so is skydragon
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
    you guys know that there is an easy solution to this right?
    a little powerdrill to the temple :)
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
    Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
  • Shut up before I roll you with my DW g2 kd.
  • Anyone else get a massive fucking migraine when they read any of NightHawks' messages by accident?
    you guys know that there is an easy solution to this right?
    a little powerdrill to the temple :)

    Wouldnt that just put us on the same level as him?
  • I would argue: "No".
  • pies hitting his sector mates thats amzing
  • Lol dude, power drill to the temple?

    How bout go Fuck yourself mate. ^_^
  • pies hitting his sector mates thats amzing
    Im hitting the ones who hit me. Also this Fenriz watch is fucking stupid. I keep 3k tanks home and suddenly Im suicided and everyone hits me lol. Gangbangs on an unsuicided kd ftw!!

    No wonder Fenris died off... fucking retards.
  • SO you mystifail and your sector attacks you. You attack them back. Then Fenriz and BC farm you? That about the jest of it? O and Nightawks117 makes people want to commit suicide not only in SK but in real life. I have to say Night, very impressive!
  • Lol my bad guys. Dont kill yalls selves..

    Id feel sooo bad. Ha!
  • Lol my bad guys. Dont kill yalls selves..

    Id feel sooo bad. Ha!
    Is this the new troll account v2? Didnt know accounts still got banned lol.
  • Best cry thread ever.
  • edited November 2014
    If you don't have a suicide rule that is enforced at one grab each inevitably a cheater is going to make a mockery of the situation. Punishing innocent people pisses them off and they cheat which legitamizes having killed them. It is precrime.
  • There should be no "Suicide rule"
  • Never heard of this "suicide rule"....
  • hey, did you guys hear about lumberjacks?
  • Dank ur back

    Wheres ur conspiracy theories i love reading them.
  • hey, did you guys hear about lumberjacks?
    Dexter is their AL?
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