Just for referance this is why fore killed my val and potential will kill me
July 15, 11:12:36 Our brave kingdom HardCore (1:10) attacked ProDW (1:13) and conquered 183 planets.
July 15, 11:17:02 Our brave kingdom Access Denied (1:10) attacked ProDW (1:13) and conquered 156 planets.
Soon after they killed him
Some would say obviously carnt take a fair grab
Anyway it's not important I just thought I would make it public
Also when they finished access denied off multis where used
Frankz in my sector 1.10 hit 4 times
I have also been probed by previously lited multis
Anyway good luck
I tried to offer a way of a good round I will make sure I go with no resistance and hopefully the rounds dull as u and cheaters want it to be
All there is to it.
Especially after he hit us
All up and comin ALs the 3 hit rule no longer aplies
Even if u hit twice u die
Wow great rule
Hilarious# carnt make a fair grab
Every round you begin by plotting a uni war against the biggest alliance even during newbie status. Then you complain when everything blows up in your face. I will admit you are a bit entertaining.
I am just always framed like every round for something
I am seen as a easy target
Pathetic really
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit.
Viva and Rohan were planning uni gang bang so sometimes youget just deserts