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Guess who I am game???

edited July 2014 in General
Right this game is where a sk player is described by a description or a image

To win you need to guess which players are mentioned

Player 1)

Wrote this:
Hello im 13 i'm the geek, i'm ginger, have spots, greasy hair and no-one likes me. I'm being bullied now cause everyone calls me teachers pet I cry myself to sleep i have been since year 3, every lunch and break i lock myself in the girls toilets and read. I need some advice so please help me. I would love some advice. Thank you. X



  • Must be Tyrsis
  • Player 2:

    He's a ginger male
    He hasn't got many friends
    He often wears glasses and he gets called Gary
    And often the surname glitter is mentioned
    I love sk because I have no life and job

    Which in game player am I??
    From this picture
  • Whoever can get both answers correct will remain nap to my alliance

    And will be a king
  • Second one MUST be psy
  • Also option 1-
    Loves sucking cocks for midget gems and mars bars
  • Second one MUST be psy
    Incorrect it's not pussy
  • Sounds like somebody is mad

    U mad bro?
  • Hahah no I am never mad
    I just like playing
  • Mmm mars bars....

    I'm ashamed for what I've done for a Klondike bar...
  • Atmo, gotta be atmo
  • Sounds mad
  • Atmo, gotta be atmo

    Jones has got number 2
    Big clap to the Liverpool man
  • I agree with Damdred. The first one is totally me.
  • edited July 2014
    Ok ok I got a really hard one!!!

    I multi and still suck really bad at this game... I served my country on a ship... I am one of the biggest hypocrites to play sk... I manage to AL all the time but suck really bad at that as well... I claim I'm gonna clean up n kill the multies and even tho I multi my ass off I can't do this right either... i make really fucking retarded threads and most sk hates me! I call out Atmo but get my ass whooped by him everytime!!! Who am I?
  • Ooooooo, Oooooooooooo, I know this one!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, VIVA!!!!!111111121231231243151345
  • Ok ok I got a really hard one!!!

    I multi and still suck really bad at this game... I served my country on a ship... I am one of the biggest hypocrites to play sk... I manage to AL all the time but suck really bad at that as well... I claim I'm gonna clean up n kill the multies and even tho I multi my ass off I can't do this right either... i make really fucking retarded threads and most sk hates me! I call out Atmo but get my ass whooped by him everytime!!! Who am I?
    10/10 for describing Ian
  • guess who i am: im really bad at sk, but really handsome in rl, so that should count for something
  • guess who i am: im really bad at sk, but really handsome in rl, so that should count for something
    two people describing me in this thread i win
  • Another day, another stupid viva thread.
  • Lolol Ian
  • I'm pooping
  • Ok ok I got a really hard one!!!

    I multi and still suck really bad at this game... I served my country on a ship... I am one of the biggest hypocrites to play sk... I manage to AL all the time but suck really bad at that as well... I claim I'm gonna clean up n kill the multies and even tho I multi my ass off I can't do this right either... i make really fucking retarded threads and most sk hates me! I call out Atmo but get my ass whooped by him everytime!!! Who am I?

    Lol I kind of like that one bro
    U still upset because I killed you a couple of rounds ago
  • I sense rage within these comments.... sweet sweet rage
  • I sense rage within these comments.... sweet sweet rage
    Not sure who you are
    The man with 48 posts and the man who farmed

    I turned a blind eye to that as did every one
    U should kind of keep ya head down

    I don't know who you are so wont mention or respond to u again
  • *old tv announcing voice*

    Keep ya head down ya hear! Old timey threats 101 talkin, see!
  • If I had farmed I would be keeping a low profile instead of spouting off every five minutes
  • Ok ok I got a really hard one!!!

    I multi and still suck really bad at this game... I served my country on a ship... I am one of the biggest hypocrites to play sk... I manage to AL all the time but suck really bad at that as well... I claim I'm gonna clean up n kill the multies and even tho I multi my ass off I can't do this right either... i make really fucking retarded threads and most sk hates me! I call out Atmo but get my ass whooped by him everytime!!! Who am I?

    Lol I kind of like that one bro
    U still upset because I killed you a couple of rounds ago
    Bwahahaha you mean multi fucked me out the gate? Sit down lil boy, your a joke without a punch Line... don't be ignorant enough to think my dislike for you has to do with me dying any round... i throw away top 10 kingdoms, you can't multi cheat your way into top 20 dumbass. ..
  • You lie consistently that it's funny

    I remember you sending me a message
    Begging for mercy

    You were like a little school child erring caught pinching sweets in a shop,

    Please viva
    Please spare me
    Me and my crew will leave you alone

  • You lie consistently that it's funny

    I remember you sending me a message
    Begging for mercy

    You were like a little school child erring caught pinching sweets in a shop,

    Please viva
    Please spare me
    Me and my crew will leave you alone


    Yeah thats just a blatant lie. Greg would never say anything along those lines :P

    Viva's wet dream perhaps?
  • If you guessed retarded. You're right on all counts.
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