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Guess who I am game???



  • I love winding the sk geeks up
  • Viva, you are the geekiest SK geek
  • Most would say best looking
  • Most of the multis or most human beings?
  • Viva ur awesome bro don't let anyone keep u down. Best al ever
  • Viva ur awesome bro don't let anyone keep u down. Best al ever
    Is that sarcasm or genuine
    Hard to tell mate hahah
  • Ofcourse it genuine viva who is ever is sarcastic on sk
  • You lie consistently that it's funny

    I remember you sending me a message
    Begging for mercy

    You were like a little school child erring caught pinching sweets in a shop,

    Please viva
    Please spare me
    Me and my crew will leave you alone

    Bwahahaha omfg that's SO FUCKIN FUNNY!!! I believe it was YOU that begged ME to not quad tap your pussyboii shit kd last rd when u targeted mercer... i never got to quad tap you b.c kes destroyed your shit kd in like 30 minutes but I had fun literally triple tapping ALL your top offensive kds... i showed those msgs to Moogke, Jess and mercer and we laughed n laughed and joked... so I guess you are good for something
  • I've only ever met this Greg fellow last round, but he certainly did not strike me as the kind of person who would care much about saving his kingdom from early game aggression, nor somebody who cared much about score, considering he was screwing around and still finished top 3.
  • This Greg fellow you speak of is quite a culinary master.
  • If Jess had done hof I think I would gave been #1!!! :-S
  • This Greg fellow you speak of is quite a culinary master.
  • ^^ feeling the love!!!
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