Haha Mr Flazer, just because I brought the party doesn't at all mean I did crap with it. Up until about 05 I was that nerdy little kid in the corner holding a wine cooler trying to fit in with all the cool kids.. then I realized all the cool kids were just nerds hiding behind a fake persona. But I will say it was fun as hell suiciding all 95 tanks I made on a sector mate and wondering why I kept getting hit and these messages saying stop attacking me we are on the same side.. and Dammit those 95 tanks took forever to get back! And I will be damned if I'm going to spend that much again just to wait a day to attack someone! Better if I just hide and not build any troops. If I don't attack, then i won't be attacked!! Perfect logic... I thought. Probably explains why I had 5 kds that 1st rnd..
80% of the players were multi's..