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  • Sorry bit off topic. But every time you post something while on your MacBook I read it in my head with a daffy duck voice.

    Carry on now.

    Hahaha yes. I did too, didn't even know it

  • edited April 2012
    if i recall correctly dank, you guys were the ones with all the multies at the start, if you guys went about it another way then maybe ppl would of helped you. two wrongs done make a right
    Sure they do. Our multis were holy jihadists and bots are pure scum. We are legit multis not that synthetic crap with all of the scripting additives. Those bitches don't even know how to multi like a real man. You don't need any fancy coded bs just a few players with the drive to carry it out. Sci chose to partner with the bots. I remember yanking Dragons first place finish from them that round at the last second. Unless I'm thinking of another round. Not hating on Sci but he aint gonna solve the problem. Yall's strategy is to get down on all fours and cuddle their sack while you wait on the right minute. Meanwhile people are dying all around you. FC don't play that we hit em up. All we need is more people aint anyone gonna fix that bs yall be doing.
  • name 1 time i farmed flaz....just 1 mate

    shouldnt be hard if there is "multiple"

    you was the one that mentioned cheating first when you are a dirrrrrrrty farmer, makes me sick just thinking about what you did "GO GO GO I SENT ALL TANKS OUT" hahaha

    im afraid you have lost all "cheat complaining" privileges when you joined the cheat club
  • We took over that one round with sci, fepo, mal, myself. Was pretty cool forgot the round it was the last round kes made Dragons lol

    I looked it up it was r43 where we literally controlled the universe. Fun round.
    Umm.... no. DT and I took over TigerBlood when Atmosphere disappeared and we warred with Pitbulls. Up till we found tons of multis being used and had to stop to take care of them. Then Dragons helped us get rank 1 by targeting Pitbulls and pulling them down.

    Though my memory is pretty hazy. I just remember being disgusted with Fepo pretty much the whole round.
    lol. Ty mate please stop lying :)
    I don't care nearly enough to lie about these things.
  • if i recall correctly dank, you guys were the ones with all the multies at the start, if you guys went about it another way then maybe ppl would of helped you. two wrongs done make a right
    Sure they do. Our multis were holy jihadists and bots are pure scum. We are legit multis not that synthetic crap with all of the scripting additives. Those bitches don't even know how to multi like a real man. You don't need any fancy coded bs just a few players with the drive to carry it out. Sci chose to partner with the bots. I remember yanking Dragons first place finish from them that round at the last second. Unless I'm thinking of another round. Not hating on Sci but he aint gonna solve the problem. Yall's strategy is to get down on all fours and cuddle their sack while you wait on the right minute. Meanwhile people are dying all around you. FC don't play that we hit em up. All we need is more people aint anyone gonna fix that bs yall be doing.
    You're definitely thinking of a different round, Dank. Probably one that I didn't AL in. Dragons were no where near finishing first at the last second. Just look at the score. They were rank 3 and had AMOG's Anisoptera helping them out. However, AMOG's alliance was just a few breakers and smaller sectors.

    By the end of the round the odds were stacked against Kes and AMOG. I felt bad because they warred well and it was a fun round. However, there were too many bots and too little time. We kept the wars going after pausing for a week or so to wipe quite a few out in the interest of fun for the casual users.

    Also, Kesha had a vendetta against DT and I for killing his main and the rest of his accounts. He was constantly making new bot accounts and trying to land them in Tigerblood sectors to pull them out of the alliance.
  • He also kept killing kes every time he made a kd and left newbie mode. I didn't admit it at the time, but I thought that bit was pretty funny =P
    Yeah, was lols. I think he was killing Neal too.
  • hahahahaha i love how hard SK honor is being defended in this thread.... dear god this community needs to stay alive for the laughs
  • all i know is that qwj farms so many times its impossible to keep count, dirty scouse liars
  • Hi dank.
  • flazer loves little boys
  • And this is news how?
  • I'm just talking smack like usual but now that Stronghold and Darubian have shown up maybe we will have to plan something. I'll hollar at ya guys. :)
  • just dont let gayr get involved dank, shit turns homosexual as soon as he gets involved
  • I'm on aim waiting for you to message me.
  • flazer loves little boys
    I thought he just made FBIs most wanted list...
  • Btw if anyone from SK called my cell about SK, I'd murder them.
  • Btw if anyone from SK called my cell about SK, I'd murder them.
    What's your number? I doubt you'll fly over to the UK.
  • I'll just row my boat over and saw off the support stilts your island sits on.
  • [Revolutionaries] and [Monarchs]. We also get the [French] support and you get the [Natives].

  • [TeamUSA] and [TeamEurope]
  • [TeamUSA] and [TeamEurope]
    I vill represent ze vaterland!!
    why you?

  • [TeamUSA] and [TeamEurope]
    I vill represent ze vaterland!!
    why you?

    Its where I grew up
    Prime needs to be hanged.
  • [TeamUSA] and [TeamEurope]
    I vill represent ze vaterland!!
    why you?

    Its where I grew up
    you can be second in command
  • edited April 2012
    I left xFCx and turned on you once i got tired of your pitiful attempts at trying to manipulate me/my alliance. I've never once "pretended" to run an alliance while having someone else actually run it. The only person to create an alliance for me was Talnoy when we first started Asylum. I know you wanted to KT me, yet you believed me when i pm'd your KD and told you it was me and that you got wrong info. Took you almost 5 more weeks to figure out it actually WAS me.
    No you got thrown the f' out after you tried to step up and act like you ran the f'ing crew, and refusing to help. Disbanding an alliance to protect DF and his faggot shit. Trying to act like you and Ice didn't even like me, and a bunch of other bs. Tried to show up in here and act like I never did a damn thing. Dude suck my dick don't even make me start posting screen shots of Ice showing up in that same thread and telling you to go suck a fucking dick too. Cuz yeah that happened bitch. Don't make me kick over your water bowl learn your place. Anyone that groups with this dude or asks him for anything should know in advance he's completely useless. He was in our crew for about a decade and never did shit. Nothing, nada, zilch.
  • I'm gonna have to side with dank on that one. I worked with FC on and off for 6 years and Lux, you were absent. I remember the games you played with asylum, so don't come in here popping off at the mouth. Helen Keller made herself more noticeable as an infant than your entire span with FC.

  • Also, Kesha had a vendetta against DT and I for killing his main and the rest of his accounts. He was constantly making new bot accounts and trying to land them in Tigerblood sectors to pull them out of the alliance.
    again?:) that was not me. that round we there where 6 pyps running bot armies. so better think who may hate you more.

  • Also, Kesha had a vendetta against DT and I for killing his main and the rest of his accounts. He was constantly making new bot accounts and trying to land them in Tigerblood sectors to pull them out of the alliance.
    again?:) that was not me. that round we there where 6 pyps running bot armies. so better think who may hate you more.
    You keep saying that. However, you were the one that enabled them to do so. Your presence in SK makes it much less enjoyable for everyone. You are scum. You are trash. Go die in a fire.
  • Truth. bit of a RICO in this case, you are the reason anyone else was able to have a bot army :-p
  • edited April 2012
    Lux, the whole point in why you aren't xFCx is that you did run that show at the time, DF should have been your bitch. The entire problem is that the one time I asked you for a favor you wouldn't help. I was the WG there appointed by Phantom. DF was pissed and begs you to come disband it. All I had to do was sit there and do my thing. Nothing else was required of you but to stay the hell out of it. I'm not even sure if you can say that requesting someone to mind their own business is a favor. I loved the spin that I'm manipulating her by requesting her not to NAP everything after she asked me to come there and take the spot. Doing so during an active PF argument where I'm telling everyone that's what I want to do to piss off DF who is trying to NAP the entire server. If they couldn't get the entire universe to NAP they lost. Instead you come over and disband the whole thing to prevent me from fulfilling a pf argument. Then to top that off you start making up all kinds of shit. All you had to do was stay out of the way to help an old buddy that showed back up on the game. But no... you side with DF and company which every other person in the crew disliked. Me personally, I was never bothered by DF even tried to make him a cofounder until he got into with Ice. Still I knew the crew didn't like him so that was that and my hands were tied. Ice showed back up when I tried to resurrect the brand and said no to DF. Others concurred so the argument was over and he went his own way with a chip on his shoulder. That leaves me to fight him with a largely inactive UA and no cofounder. Lux you had said no, Jsin said no, Darubian said no, Tyrsis said no, and DF said yes. He got outvoted after I appointed him when Ice showed up and took off his flag then went over to 2ndC. You are going to come back after that and say FC is dead, it's my fault, and I never did shit. I understand what it means to be part of a team. Some people are not strong enough to overcome herd conformity and in my eyes, on this game, you are one of those people. You chose to back the guy that went to the other team, and then said you did it to help Ice which was the guy that sent him the fuck over there. It was later shown when Lynog posted that he was using Kesha's bot just what I was up against. Just how much bs you guys were pulling to NAP that entire server. To top it off I had to argue with you saying that Ice wanted you to do it because he wasn't around. All of a sudden I'm fighting half the people that would have been on our side if he had been made cofounder. Fuck you for that and props to DF because I saw clearly how he was working it to shut anything FC down. Outside of this game I'd say we're still kewl but you made it clear you think I'm an arrogant prick that you hated so we aint kewl whatsoever.

    p.s. Don't ever say Darubian didn't do shit. That dude has always pulled his weight. You will never see a PF argument like this between me and Darubian even if he tells me to go fuck myself, because he's earned the right to do it. Besides Ice and myself he is just about the only xFCx member to have had administrator rights on that website. It's a huge thing to us to put anyone in a position to deface our site. That's how much trust we put in Darubian.
  • Stop telling lies dank
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