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[Eclipse] contains the multies



  • Decent player on my mind also if I am honest
  • Barry is easily the best player here

    He somehow always outbuilds me even when I play near perfect lol the cheeky cunt
  • Here we go again
  • Barry is easily the best player here

    He somehow always outbuilds me even when I play near perfect lol the cheeky cunt
    LOL right.

    Don't get me riled up. I'll send you boys back to ea real quick.
  • Rob you're trash bud, give it a rest pls nobody cares anymoreb
  • edited December 2016
    Rob you're trash bud, give it a rest pls nobody cares anymoreb
    LOL Darius I've seen you get rekt and outbuilt so many times on this game that I can't even take you serious. You and noobicade weren't even smart enough to avoid getting caught cheating on EA. You two idiots together, sharing the same kingdom couldn't even produce something worthwhile.
  • edited December 2016
    Barry and I never shared anything lol

    SK is worthless now, just a bunch of pyramid bank farmers getting owned by multis lmao

    You cant talk shit when barry, me, riley & iwin would regularly 4v12 arson and pals in a server with far less cheating (although their friends still cheated blatantly) rofl
  • when have i ever been accused or actually caught cheating on ea darius? ive whooped that ass plenty of times legitimately and with less help than you had. sit down boy.
  • whoa whoa whoa... Its SK and Christmas guys... No need to start a verbal war...

    Barry n Darius are fun competition on EA.. Sometimes you win sure, but Chris had held his own plenty of rds as well... Ron and chris are legitimately the only really active players so it makes for fun battles regardless of all the nonsense bs thrown around
  • haha, i give to darius, he was only true competiton for me on EA. Omni would give me run for my money for a minute but eventually he'd fall like a stack of cards. Darius and his fucking oceanic turtle kds are a bitch to crack.
  • I like turtles...
  • Didn't accuse you arson, but FBI was blatantly cheating and it wasn't to help me haha
  • I like vagina
  • Didn't accuse you arson, but FBI was blatantly cheating and it wasn't to help me haha
    But it isnt like he was telling us about it! He wasnt bragging or anything he just went on n did his thing and later on said he did it to prove ppl can get past beans scan :(
  • Didn't accuse you arson, but FBI was blatantly cheating and it wasn't to help me haha
    But it isnt like he was telling us about it! He wasnt bragging or anything he just went on n did his thing and later on said he did it to prove ppl can get past beans scan :(
    the guy made like 3 posts and 2 threads day 1 lol

    maybe we remember different, it doesnt really matter.. we were for sure outnumbered and held our own strategically because ea's game mechanics were way better suited for competition
  • What scan? Bean simply isnt active to admin the game and remove the cheating. His disabling was manual from what I noticed. I could be wrong.
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