I live in a place rated as the highest cocain use n worst place for girls to live or grow up in the UK... so is it a surprise my local high streets got 'up n coming' of the year... they were bragging how the teenage pregnancy rate is a record low this year... stI'll the worst... unemployment highest here too...
Plus came across a disabled ramp to a foot bridge that had steps
Locals blame the reason everything so bad is that they have more refugees than everywhere else in the country...
Personally I think the reason is that's so many retards live here... shut down ici n we can all move on to a better place.
FYI I'm moving today

fuck you teesside
Teesside isn't bad at all for immigration
It's just a bleak place to live and not many jobs to get especially with the uncertainty of TATA steel.
All the north east is the same, I have just been to Newcastle there
Been to the market and Baron burger and Fenwick
Buzzing up there
Here's the boro is shit one.