500 soldiers - failed with 500 tanks ??
October 26, 05:24:10 Zethogemarus (1:1) Spy on Shields 3,000 36 The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:
Shield Type Energy Used per hour Percent
Probe Defense 0 0%
Military Defense 0 0%
Missile Defense 0 0%
October 26, 05:24:06 Zethogemarus (1:1) Spy on Research 3,000 30 The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:
Research Name Number of Points Percent
Population Bonus 0 0%
Power Bonus 0 0%
Military Bonus 0 0%
Money Bonus 0 0%
Dragoons 0 0%
Laser Dragoons 0 0%
S.C.O.U.T.E.R. 60,000 100%
Fusion Technology 60,000 100%
Vesudian Core and AI Technology 0 0%
Energy Core 0 0%
Frequency Decryption Center 0 0%
Probe Amour 0 0%
Fighters 0 0%
Longevity 0 0%
October 26, 05:21:58 Zethogemarus (1:1) Spy on Kingdom 3,000 33 The probes have come back with a report that is 100% accurate:
Name: Sir Rocky
Planets: 253
Networth: 17,441
Honor: 1,200
Platinum: 1,148,458
Power: 40,000
Population: 3,865
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Mystical Lands
Soldiers: 500
Troopers: 0
Laser Troopers: 0
Tanks: 0
Scientists: Unknown
Probes: Unknown
October 26, 05:23:14 Our brave kingdom RamiIsTaken (1:4) attacked Zethogemarus (1:1) and failed.
October 26, 05:23:54 Our brave kingdom RamiIsTaken (1:4) attacked Zethogemarus (1:1) and failed.
Home Leader War Leader
#1 War Leader
#2 War Leader
#3 War Leader
Soldiers 0 0 0 0 0
Troopers 0 0 0 0 0
Laser Troopers 1,028 0 0 0 0
Tanks 763 472 525 0 0
(October 26, 05:23:14)
Soldiers: 0
Troopers: 0
Tanks: 28
Our scans report that we killed about 0 enemy units.
Sector Defense
Solar Winds
sector defense got you good
my military is crazy
However if the truth be known
We ain't interested in your smelly ginger gentiles.
P.s we are all better than you
Name: Sir Rami
Land: 873
Networth: 131,867
Honor: 2,197
Money: 4,559
Power: 25,005
Population: 11,524
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Mystical Lands
Soldiers: 212
Troopers: 0
Laser Troopers: 936
Tanks: 2,772
Scientists: 1,462
Probes: 16,300
Also I'd highly doubt anyone would let you near their genitals Viva, your ignorance is contagious.