Here's mine
The kingdom of Mnemosyne (1:15)
July 30, 21:59:56
Name: Sir Terror
Land: 45,142
Networth: 17,587,660
Honor: 6,286
Money: 1,347,009
Power: 628,207
Population: 1,296,452
MA Protection: 0% Planet Type: Terra Form
Soldiers: 0
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 74,538
Fighters: 0
Laser Troopers: 0
Laser Dragoons: 471,322
Tanks: 209,415
Tactical Fighters: 176,041
Scientists: 245,371
Probes: 211,549
Planned on hitting 20mil with endgaming, but decided to fall asleep when i should have built my tanks (12hrs from end).... Anyways, was a funny round, alot of good kds KT and standard SK stuff like multis etc...
See what next round brings!
Name: General Salade
Land: 47,922
Networth: 18,240,546
Honor: 4,940
Money: 48,699,710
Power: 0
Population: 156,656
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Terra Form
Soldiers: 0
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 22,717
Fighters: 0
Laser Troopers: 2,696
Laser Dragoons: 352,198
Tanks: 376,878
Tactical Fighters: 201,280
Scientists: 84,962
Probes: 38,942
lazy kd. barely used wls at the start, was never really top early but finished.. okay I guess. far from one of my finer kingdoms, but I had fun being with the LT guys.
I killed non-RR kds because Viva can't keep his mouth shut. I openly offered to him to just back down and leave and I wouldn't do anything. He challenged it.
I win
The kingdom of Zack is Fair (1:9) July 30, 21:00:20
Name: Sir Hazza
Land: 5,176
Networth: 1,770,448
Honor: 1,822
Money: 782,493
Power: 0
Population: 22,670
MA Protection: 0%
Planet Type: Mountainous
Soldiers: 1,048
Troopers: 0
Dragoons: 62,915
Fighters: 0
Laser Troopers: 0
Laser Dragoons: 119,816
Tanks: 2,965
Tactical Fighters: 0
Scientists: 2,500
Probes: 81,124
My SL let Solars expire and I was sabbo'd!!
Your alliance was shit , sick was the best Allince and you giving away what Kingdom you are shows that your helped LT and multied my alliance
Your little ginger slut
Go and guzzle some fucking cock you dirty little slag!
Did not disappoint