It matters for strategies a lot. Most of us are just experienced enough we do same old same old without calvs. If I recall off the top of my head it's half of rr pop loss for successful pa. 1.25%-2.5% without shields or probe armor. And roughly 4 or 5 times that if you fail. Shields and probe armor reduce losses by half multiplicative. So with both losses about 1/4 that. Been a while since I had a kd and did any robbing.
It matters for strategies a lot. Most of us are just experienced enough we do same old same old without calvs. If I recall off the top of my head it's half of rr pop loss for successful pa. 1.25%-2.5% without shields or probe armor. And roughly 4 or 5 times that if you fail. Shields and probe armor reduce losses by half multiplicative. So with both losses about 1/4 that. Been a while since I had a kd and did any robbing.
No for real start probing and take notes it is really easy to figure out.
1 if probes> 1000, then go to 2
2 destroy all probes
for not shielded with probe armour is what I have saved.
So it is 0.0055 +-0.002 Random
double loses without probarmour.
or even half of that shielded with probearmour.
All in success probes .